Shepley Orr
Shepley Orr
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Taste uncertainty and status quo effects in consumer choice
G Loomes, S Orr, R Sugden
Journal of risk and uncertainty 39, 113-135, 2009
A heuristic model of bounded route choice in urban areas
EJ Manley, SW Orr, T Cheng
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 56, 195-209, 2015
Simulation contact lenses for AMD health state utility values in NICE appraisals: a different reality
T Butt, MD Crossland, P West, SW Orr, GS Rubin
British Journal of Ophthalmology 99 (4), 540-544, 2015
The economics of shame in work groups: How mutual monitoring can decrease cooperation in teams
SW Orr
Kyklos 54 (1), 49-66, 2001
Values, preferences, and the citizen-consumer distinction in cost-benefit analysis
SW Orr
politics, philosophy & economics 6 (1), 107-130, 2007
Taxation: philosophical perspectives
M O'Neill, S Orr
Oxford University Press, 2018
Consistency and fungibility of monetary valuations in transport: an empirical analysis of framing and mental accounting effects
S Hess, S Orr, R Sheldon
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 46 (10), 1507-1516, 2012
Reconciling cost-effectiveness with the rule of rescue: the institutional division of moral labour
S Orr, J Wolff
Theory and Decision 78, 525-538, 2015
Patient and public preferences for health states associated with AMD
T Butt, HMP Dunbar, S Morris, S Orr, GS Rubin
Optometry and Vision Science 90 (8), 855-860, 2013
Evaluating interventions in health: a reconciliatory approach
J Wolff, S Edwards, S Richmond, S Orr, G Rees
Bioethics 26 (9), 455-463, 2012
Valuing urban green space: Challenges and opportunities
S Orr, J Paskins, S Chaytor
UCL Policy Briefing, 2014
Social exclusion and the theory of equality: The priority of welfare and fairness in policy
SW Orr
London: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1-17, 2005
Does responsibility affect the public's valuation of health care interventions? A relative valuation approach to health care safety
J Singh, J Lord, L Longworth, S Orr, T McGarry, R Sheldon, M Buxton
Value in Health 15 (5), 690-698, 2012
What values should count in HTA for new medicines under value based pricing in the UK
S Orr, J Wolff, S Morris
UCL Centre for Philosophy, Justice and Health, 2011
Sufficiency of resources and political morality
SW Orr, MO O’Neill, F Peter, A Williams
paper delivered to the Priority in Practice seminar 22, 2005
Cross-sector weighting and valuing of QALYs and VPFs: A report for the inter-departmental group for the valuation of life and health
J Wolff, S Orr
Final Report 8 (09), 2009
Research on the health inequalities elements of theNHS weighted capitation formula
S Morris, M Sutton, P Dixion, J Wildman, S Birch, R Raine, T Chandola, ...
Department of Health RARP36, 2010
Preference uncertainty and status quo effects in consumer choice
G Loomes, S Orr, R Sugden
Unpublished paper, 2007
RU2 Potential time savings with trastuzumab subcutaneous (SC) injection versus trastuzumab intravenous (IV) infusion: results from interviews conducted as part of a time-and …
E De Cock, S Tao, A Urspruch, A Knoop
Value in Health 15 (7), A280, 2012
Does customer satisfaction predict customer demand in the rail sector
R Sheldon, M Mayes, S Orr, B Condry
European Transport Conference, 2011
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