Michal Jankowski
Michal Jankowski
Dr Nauk o Ziemi, Katedra Gleboznawstwa i Kształtowania Krajobrazu, Wydział Nauk o Ziemi, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
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Polish soil classification: Principles, classification scheme and correlations
C Kabała, P Charzyński, J Chodorowski, M Drewnik, B Glina, A Greinert, ...
Soil Science Annual 70 (2), 2019
Palaeopedological marker horizons in northern central Europe: characteristics of Lateglacial Usselo and Finow soils
K Kaiser, A Hilgers, N Schlaak, M Jankowski, P Kuehn, S Bussemer, ...
Boreas 38 (3), 591-609, 2009
The evidence of lateral podzolization in sandy soils of Northern Poland
M Jankowski
Catena 112, 139-147, 2014
The depositional conditions of the fluvio-aeolian succession during the last climate minimum based on the examples from Poland and NW Ukraine
P Zieliński, RJ Sokołowski, B Woronko, M Jankowski, S Fedorowicz, ...
Quaternary International 386, 30-41, 2015
Lateglacial soil paleocatena in inland-dune area of the Toruń Basin, Northern Poland
M Jankowski
Quaternary International 265, 116-125, 2012
Effect of topography and deforestation on regular variation of soils on inland dunes in the Toruń Basin (N Poland)
P Sewerniak, M Jankowski, M Dąbrowski
Catena 149, 318-330, 2017
Sandy deposition in a small dry valley in the periglacial zone of the Last Glacial Maximum: a case study from the Józefów site, SE Poland
P Zieliński, RJ Sokołowski, B Woronko, S Fedorowicz, M Jankowski, ...
Quaternary International 399, 58-71, 2016
Topographical inversion of sandy soils due to local conditions in Northern Poland
M Jankowski, B Przewoźna, R Bednarek
Geomorphology 135 (3-4), 277-283, 2011
Stratigraphic position of fluvial and aeolian deposits in the Żabinko site (W Poland) based on TL dating
P Zieliński, RJ Sokołowski, S Fedorowicz, M Jankowski
Geochronometria 38, 64-71, 2011
R Bednarek, M Jankowski
W: Andrzejewski L., Weckwerth P., Burak S.[red.]. Toruń i jego okolice. Wyd …, 2006
The climatic control of sedimentary environment changes during the Weichselian–An example from the Middle Vistula Region (eastern Poland)
P Zieliński, RJ Sokołowski, M Jankowski, K Standzikowski, S Fedorowicz
Quaternary International 501, 120-134, 2019
Topographically-controlled site conditions drive vegetation pattern on inland dunes in Poland
P Sewerniak, M Jankowski
Acta Oecologica 82, 52-60, 2017
Bielicowanie jako wtórny proces w glebach rdzawych Brodnickiego Parku Krajobrazowego
M Jankowski
Świtoniak, M. Jankowski, R. Bednarek (red.), Antropogeniczne przekształcenia …, 2014
Study of forest soils on an area of magnetic and geochemical anomaly in north-eastern Poland
T Magiera, M Jankowski, M Świtoniak, M Rachwał
Geoderma 160 (3-4), 559-568, 2011
Historia rozwoju pokrywy glebowej obszarów wydmowych Kotliny Toruńskiej
M Jankowski
Praca doktorska. Zakład Gleboznawstwa UMK (maszynopis), 2003
Buried soils in the dunes of the Toruń Basin
M Jankowski
W: B. Manikowska, K. Konecka-Betley, R. Bednarek (red.) Paleopedology …, 2002
Quantitative and qualitative changes of properties as basis for distinguishing development stages of soils formed from dune sands.
M Jankowski, R Bednarek
Some aspects of site conditions of heathlands in the Toruń Basin
M Jankowski
Depositional conditions on an alluvial fan at the turn of the Weichselian to the Holocene–a case study in the Żmigród Basin, southwest Poland
P Zieliński, RJ Sokołowski, S Fedorowicz, B Woronko, B Hołub, ...
Geologos 22 (2), 105-120, 2016
Builders and users of ritual centres, Yampil Barrow Complex: Studies of diet based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope composition
T Goslar, M Jankowski, A Kośko, M Lityńska-Zając, P Włodarczak, ...
Baltic-Pontic Studies 22, 91-125, 2017
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