Rosa Binimelis
Rosa Binimelis
Càtedra d'Agroecologia, Universitat de Vic
在 uvic.cat 的电子邮件经过验证
No scientific consensus on GMO safety
A Hilbeck, R Binimelis, N Defarge, R Steinbrecher, A Székács, F Wickson, ...
Environmental Sciences Europe 27 (1), 1-6, 2015
Assessing the risks of aquatic species invasions via European inland waterways: from concepts to environmental indicators
VE Panov, B Alexandrov, K Arbačiauskas, R Binimelis, GH Copp, ...
Integrated environmental assessment and management 5 (1), 110-126, 2009
“Transgenic treadmill”: responses to the emergence and spread of glyphosate-resistant johnsongrass in Argentina
R Binimelis, W Pengue, I Monterroso
geoforum 40 (4), 623-633, 2009
The two-way relationship between food systems and the COVID19 pandemic: causes and consequences
MG Rivera-Ferre, F López-i-Gelats, F Ravera, E Oteros-Rozas, ...
Agricultural Systems 191, 103134, 2021
19 Socio-Economic Impact and Assessment of Biological Invasions
R Binimelis, W Born, I Monterroso, B Rodríguez-Labajos
Ecological Studies, Vol. 193, 331, 2007
Coexistence of plants and coexistence of farmers: is an individual choice possible?
R Binimelis
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21, 437-457, 2008
Procesos hacia la soberanía alimentaria
M Cuéllar, Á Calle, D Gallar
Perspectivas y prácticas desde la agroecología política. Barcelona: Icaria 3 …, 2013
Teosinte in Europe–Searching for the origin of a novel weed
M Trtikova, A Lohn, R Binimelis, I Chapela, B Oehen, N Zemp, A Widmer, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1560, 2017
New methods for the analysis of invasion processes: Multi-criteria evaluation of the invasion of Hydrilla verticillata in Guatemala
I Monterroso, R Binimelis, B Rodríguez-Labajos
Journal of Environmental Management 92 (3), 494-507, 2011
Multi-level driving forces of biological invasions
B Rodríguez-Labajos, R Binimelis, I Monterroso
Ecological economics 69 (1), 63-75, 2009
A Social Analysis of the Bioinvasions of Dreissena polymorpha in Spain and Hydrilla verticillata in Guatemala
R Binimelis, I Monterroso, B Rodríguez-Labajos
Environmental Management 40, 555-566, 2007
The DPSIR scheme for analysing biodiversity loss and developing preservation strategies
JH Spangenberg, J Martinez-Alier, I Omann, I Monterroso, R Binimelis
Ecological Economics 69 (1), 9-11, 2009
Adapting established instruments to build useful food sovereignty indicators
R Binimelis, MG Rivera-Ferre, G Tendero, M Badal, M Heras, G Gamboa, ...
Development Studies Research. An Open Access Journal 1 (1), 324-339, 2014
Introduction to the symposium on critical adult education in food movements: learning for transformation in and beyond food movements—the why, where, how and the what next?
CR Anderson, R Binimelis, MP Pimbert, MG Rivera-Ferre
Critical Adult Education in Food Movements, 1-9, 2022
Socio-economic research on genetically modified crops: A study of the literature
G Catacora-Vargas, R Binimelis, AI Myhr, B Wynne
Agriculture and Human Values 35, 489-513, 2018
Inclusion and implementation of socio-economic considerations in GMO regulations: needs and recommendations
R Binimelis, AI Myhr
Sustainability 8 (1), 62, 2016
Catalan agriculture and genetically modified organisms (GMOs)—An application of DPSIR model
R Binimelis, I Monterroso, B Rodríguez-Labajos
Ecological Economics 69 (1), 55-62, 2009
Should organic agriculture maintain its opposition to GM? New techniques writing the same old story
F Wickson, R Binimelis, A Herrero
Sustainability 8 (11), 1105, 2016
Science for policy: new challenges, new opportunities
AG Pereira, S Functowicz
OUP Catalogue, 2009
Arran de terra. Indicadors participatius de Sobirania Alimentària a Catalunya
M Badal, R Binimelis, G Gamboa, M Heras, G Tendero
Resum de l’informe. Associació Entrepobles & Institut d’Economia Ecològica i …, 2011
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