Grethe Eilertsen
Grethe Eilertsen
University of South-Eastern Norway
在 usn.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Recovering from a stroke: a longitudinal, qualitative study of older Norwegian women
G Eilertsen, M Kirkevold, IT Bjørk
Journal of clinical nursing 19 (13‐14), 2004-2013, 2010
Experiences of poststroke fatigue: qualitative meta‐synthesis
G Eilertsen, H Ormstad, M Kirkevold
Journal of advanced nursing 69 (3), 514-525, 2013
Similarities and differences in the experience of fatigue among people living with fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, ankylosing spondylitis and stroke
G Eilertsen, H Ormstad, M Kirkevold, AM Mengshoel, S Söderberg, ...
Journal of clinical nursing 24 (13-14), 2023-2034, 2015
“Non-palliative care”–a qualitative study of older cancer patients’ and their family members’ experiences with the health care system
M Fjose, G Eilertsen, M Kirkevold, EK Grov
BMC Health Services Research 18, 1-12, 2018
Older people’s attitudes and perspectives of welfare technology in Norway
VG Sánchez, C Anker-Hansen, I Taylor, G Eilertsen
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 841-853, 2019
“Invisible” visual impairments. A qualitative study of stroke survivorsexperience of vision symptoms, health services and impact of visual impairments
HK Falkenberg, TS Mathisen, H Ormstad, G Eilertsen
BMC Health Services Research 20, 1-12, 2020
A biopsychosocial model of fatigue and depression following stroke
H Ormstad, G Eilertsen
Medical hypotheses 85 (6), 835-841, 2015
Personality traits and the risk of becoming lonely in old age: A 5-year follow-up study
H Ormstad, G Eilertsen, T Heir, L Sandvik
Health and quality of life outcomes 18, 1-5, 2020
A valuable but demanding time family life during advanced cancer in an elderly family member
M Fjose, G Eilertsen, M Kirkevold, EK Grov
Advances in Nursing Science 39 (4), 358-373, 2016
Improved indoor lighting improved healthy aging at home–an intervention study in 77-year-old Norwegians
HK Falkenberg, TM Kvikstad, G Eilertsen
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 315-324, 2019
Forståelse i et hermeneutisk perspektiv
G Eilertsen
Norsk tidsskrift for sykepleieforskning 2 (3), 136-159, 2000
Sensory impairments in community health care: a descriptive study of hearing and vision among elderly Norwegians living at home
GG Haanes, M Kirkevold, G Horgen, D Hofoss, G Eilertsen
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 217-225, 2014
Happy living in darkness! Indoor lighting in relation to activities of daily living, visual and general health in 75-year-olds living at home
G Eilertsen, G Horgen, TM Kvikstad, HK Falkenberg
Journal of Housing for the Elderly 30 (2), 199-213, 2016
Women’s experience of acute skin toxicity following radiation therapy in breast cancer
ER Andersen, G Eilertsen, AM Myklebust, S Eriksen
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 139-148, 2018
An intervention designed to improve sensory impairments in the elderly and indoor lighting in their homes: an exploratory randomized controlled trial
GG Haanes, M Kirkevold, D Hofoss, G Horgen, G Eilertsen
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 11-20, 2015
Alt er som før, men ingenting er som det var
G Eilertsen
Gamle kvinners opplevelser av livet etter hjerneslag, 2005
Acceptance and adjustment: A qualitative study of experiences of hearing and vision impairments and daily life among oldest old recipients of home care
GG Haanes, EOC Hall, G Eilertsen
International Journal of Older People Nursing 14 (3), e12236, 2019
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a structured visual assessment after stroke in municipal health care services
TS Mathisen, G Eilertsen, H Ormstad, HK Falkenberg
BMC health services research 21 (1), 497, 2021
Discrepancy between self‐assessments and standardised tests of vision and hearing abilities in older people living at home: an ROC curve analysis
GG Haanes, M Kirkevold, D Hofoss, G Eilertsen
Journal of Clinical Nursing 24 (23-24), 3380-3388, 2015
Meningsfullt arbeid på sykehjem-erfarne sykepleieres perspektiv
S Meyer, G Eilertsen, S Ytrehus
Norsk sykepleierforbund, 2010
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