Muhammad Zudhy Irawan
Muhammad Zudhy Irawan
Professor in Travel Behaviour and Demand, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Exploring activity-travel behavior changes during the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
MZ Irawan, PF Belgiawan, TB Joewono, FF Bastarianto, M Rizki, A Ilahi
Transportation, 1-25, 2021
To compete or not compete: exploring the relationships between motorcycle-based ride-sourcing, motorcycle taxis, and public transport in the Jakarta metropolitan area
MZ Irawan, PF Belgiawan, AKM Tarigan, F Wijanarko
Transportation 47, 2367-2389, 2020
Exploring the intention of out-of-home activities participation during new normal conditions in Indonesian cities
MZ Irawan, M Rizki, TB Joewono, PF Belgiawan
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 8, 100237, 2020
Kalibrasi Vissim Untuk Mikrosimulasi Arus Lalu Lintas Tercampur Pada Simpang Bersinyal (Studi Kasus: Simpang Tugu, Yogyakarta)
MZ Irawan, NH Putri
Jurnal Transportasi Multimoda 13 (3), 97-106, 2015
Do motorcycle-based ride-hailing apps threaten bus ridership? A hybrid choice modeling approach with latent variables
MZ Irawan, PF Belgiawan, TB Joewono, NIM Simanjuntak
Public Transport 12 (1), 207-231, 2020
The travel behaviour of ride-sourcing users, and their perception of the usefulness of ride-sourcing based on the users' previous modes of transport: A case study in Bandung …
M Rizki, TB Joewono, PF Belgiawan, MZ Irawan
IATSS research 45 (2), 267-276, 2021
A market share analysis for hybrid cars in Indonesia
MZ Irawan, PF Belgiawan, A Widyaparaga, A Budiman, I Muthohar, ...
Case studies on transport policy 6 (3), 336-341, 2018
Mikrosimulasi mixed traffic pada simpang bersinyal dengan perangkat lunak vissim (Studi Kasus: Simpang Tugu, Yogyakarta)
NH Putri, MZ Irawan
Prosiding The 18th FSTPT International Symposium, Unila, Bandar Lampung, 2015
Promoting active transport in students' travel behavior: A case from Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
MZ Irawan, T Sumi
Journal of Sustainable Development 4 (1), 45, 2011
Implementation of the 1997 Indonesian highway capacity manual (MKJI) volume delay function
MZ IRAWAN, T Sumi, A Munawar
Journal of the eastern asia society for transportation studies 8, 350-360, 2010
Understanding the effect of online shopping behavior on shopping travel demand through structural equation modeling
MZ Irawan, E Wirza
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 11, 614-625, 2015
Using an integrated model of TPB and TAM to analyze the pandemic impacts on the intention to use bicycles in the post-COVID-19 period
MZ Irawan, FF Bastarianto, S Priyanto
IATSS research 46 (3), 380-387, 2022
A tour-based mode choice model for commuters in Indonesia
FF Bastarianto, MZ Irawan, C Choudhury, D Palma, I Muthohar
Sustainability 11 (3), 788, 2019
Measuring the perceived need for motorcycle-based ride-hailing services on trip characteristics among university students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
MZ Irawan, FF Bastarianto, Dewanti, MRF Sugiarto, Sugiarto, Amrozi
Travel Behaviour and Society 24 (July), 303-312, 2021
Mikrosimulasi mixed traffic pada simpang bersinyal dengan perangkat lunak Vissim
NH Putri, MZ Irawan
The 18th Fstpt International Symposium, Unila. Bandar Lampung: Fstpt, 2015
Motorcycle-based adolescents’ travel behaviour during the school morning commute and the effect of intra-household interaction on departure time and mode choice
MZ Irawan, T Sumi
Transportation planning and technology 35 (3), 263-279, 2012
Ride-hailing app use for same-day delivery services of foods and groceries during the implementation of social activity restrictions in Indonesia
MZ Irawan, PF Belgiawan
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 12 (2), 387-398, 2023
Mapping the motorcycle-based ride-hailing users in Yogyakarta: An analysis of socio-economic factors and preferences
MZ Irawan, M Rizki, S Chalermpong, H Kato
Asian Transport Studies 8, 100073, 2022
Behavioral factors of motorcyclists in right-turn movements at unsignalized intersections: An insight from Yogyakarta, Indonesia
R Ramlan, MZ Irawan, A Munawar
IATSS research 45 (1), 116-122, 2021
Analyzing commuters’ behavior on egress trip from railway stations in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
MZ Irawan, MK Putri, PF Belgiawan, R Dwitasari
Open Transportation Journal 11, 53-66, 2017
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