Julian Keith
Julian Keith
在 uncw.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Tiers of ontology and consistency constraints in geographical information systems
AU Frank
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 15 (7), 667-678, 2001
Why NMDA-receptor-dependent long-term potentiation may not be a mechanism of learning and memory: Reappraisal of the NMDA-receptor blockade strategy
JR Keith, JW Rudy
Psychobiology 18 (3), 251-257, 1990
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, ascending-dose, randomized study to evaluate the safety, tolerability and effects on cognition of AL-108 after 12 weeks of intranasal …
BH Morimoto, D Schmechel, J Hirman, A Blackwell, J Keith, M Gold, ...
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 35 (5-6), 325-339, 2013
Assessing postoperative cognitive change after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery.
JR Keith, AE Puente, KL Malcolmson, S Tartt, AE Coleman, HF Marks Jr
Neuropsychology 16 (3), 411, 2002
Latent place learning in a novel environment and the influences of prior training in rats
JR Keith, KM McVety
Psychobiology 16 (2), 146-151, 1988
Retrograde amnesia for visual memories after hippocampal damage in rats
J Epp, JR Keith, SC Spanswick, JC Stone, GT Prusky, RJ Sutherland
Learning & Memory 15 (4), 214-221, 2008
The effect of age on children's learning of problems that require a configural association solution
JW Rudy, JR Keith, K Georgen
Developmental Psychobiology: The Journal of the International Society for …, 1993
Does 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) disrupt cell proliferation and neuronal maturation in the adult rat hippocampus in vivo?
A Hancock, C Priester, E Kidder, JR Keith
Behavioural brain research 199 (2), 218-221, 2009
Shock signals and the development of stress-induced analgesia.
SF Maier, JR Keith
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 13 (3), 226, 1987
Adrenalectomy‐induced granule cell degeneration in the hippocampus causes spatial memory deficits that are not reversed by chronic treatment with corticosterone or fluoxetine
SC Spanswick, JR Epp, JR Keith, RJ Sutherland
Hippocampus 17 (2), 137-146, 2007
Fluoxetine and the dentate gyrus: memory, recovery of function, and electrophysiology
JR Keith, Y Wu, JR Epp, RJ Sutherland
Behavioural pharmacology 18 (5-6), 521-531, 2007
An assessment of an automated EEG biofeedback system for attention deficits in a substance use disorders residential treatment setting.
JR Keith, L Rapgay, D Theodore, JM Schwartz, JL Ross
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 29 (1), 17, 2015
Place learning by three vole species (Microtus ochrogaster, M. montanus, and M. pennsylvanicus) in the Morris swim task.
DK Sawrey, JR Keith, RC Backes
Journal of Comparative Psychology 108 (2), 179, 1994
Self-reported mindful attention and awareness, go/no-go response-time variability, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
JR Keith, ME Blackwood, RT Mathew, LB Lecci
Mindfulness 8, 765-774, 2017
Mobile neurofeedback for pain management in veterans with TBI and PTSD
EB Elbogen, A Alsobrooks, S Battles, K Molloy, PA Dennis, JC Beckham, ...
Pain medicine 22 (2), 329-337, 2021
Deficiencies in the detection of cognitive deficits.
JR Keith, AE Puente
American Psychological Association 16 (3), 434, 2002
Acquisition in the Morris swim task is impaired by a benzodiazepine but not an NMDA antagonist: A new procedure for distinguishing acquisition and performance effects
JR Keith, M Galizio
Psychobiology 25 (3), 217-228, 1997
P2‐377: A phase 2, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and effect on cognitive function of AL‐108 after 12 weeks of intranasal …
DE Schmechel, G Gerard, NG Vatakis, L Harper, JS Ross, M Bari, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 4, T483-T483, 2008
Chlordiazepoxide and dizocilpine, but not morphine, selectively impair acquisition under a novel repeated-acquisition and performance task in rats
RC Pitts, DR Buda, JR Keith, DT Cerutti, M Galizio
Psychopharmacology 189, 135-143, 2006
Persistent increases in the pool of doublecortin-expressing neurons in the hippocampus following spatial navigation training
JR Keith, C Priester, M Ferguson, M Salling, A Hancock
Behavioural brain research 188 (2), 391-397, 2008
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