Alireza Ghaemi
Alireza Ghaemi
Ph.D candidate of Civil Engineering
在 pgs.usb.ac.ir 的电子邮件经过验证
Wavelet coupled MARS and M5 Model Tree approaches for groundwater level forecasting
M Rezaie-balf, SR Naganna, A Ghaemi, PC Deka
Journal of hydrology 553, 356-373, 2017
Prediction of the five-day biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand in natural streams using machine learning methods
M Najafzadeh, A Ghaemi
Environmental monitoring and assessment 191, 1-21, 2019
On the applicability of maximum overlap discrete wavelet transform integrated with MARS and M5 model tree for monthly pan evaporation prediction
A Ghaemi, M Rezaie-Balf, J Adamowski, O Kisi, J Quilty
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 278, 107647, 2019
Prediction of water quality parameters using evolutionary computing-based formulations
M Najafzadeh, A Ghaemi, S Emamgholizadeh
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 16, 6377-6396, 2019
Evolutionary polynomial regression approach to predict longitudinal dispersion coefficient in rivers
MR Balf, R Noori, R Berndtsson, A Ghaemi, B Ghiasi
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA 67 (5), 447-457, 2018
Prediction of the friction factor in pipes using model tree
M Najafzadeh, J Shiri, G Sadeghi, A Ghaemi
ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 24 (1), 9-15, 2018
An integrated machine learning, noise suppression, and population-based algorithm to improve total dissolved solids prediction
K Sun, M Rajabtabar, S Samadi, M Rezaie-Balf, A Ghaemi, SS Band, ...
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 15 (1), 251-271, 2021
Recommendations for modifying the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for Drought Monitoring in Arid and Semi-arid Regions
P Mahmoudi, A Ghaemi, A Rigi, SMA Jahanshahi
Water Resources Management, 1-23, 2021
A decomposition and multi-objective evolutionary optimization model for suspended sediment load prediction in rivers
N Zhao, A Ghaemi, C Wu, SS Band, KW Chau, A Zaguia, M Mafarja, ...
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 15 (1), 1811-1829, 2021
Reliability-based design and implementation of crow search algorithm for longitudinal dispersion coefficient estimation in rivers
A Ghaemi, T Zhian, B Pirzadeh, S Hashemi Monfared, A Mosavi
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 35971-35990, 2021
Towards an integrative, spatially-explicit modeling for flash floods susceptibility mapping based on remote sensing and flood inventory data in Southern Caspian Sea Littoral, Iran
M Rezaie-Balf, A Ghaemi, C Jun, S S. Band, SM Bateni
Geocarto International 37 (26), 12638-12668, 2022
Design and performance of two decomposition paradigms in forecasting daily solar radiation with evolutionary polynomial regression: wavelet transform versus ensemble empirical …
M Rezaie-Balf, S Kim, A Ghaemi, R Deo
Predictive Modelling for Energy Management and Power Systems Engineering …, 2021
Spatio-temporal variation of precipitation projection based on bias-adjusted CORDEX-SA regional climate model simulations for arid and semi-arid region
A Ghaemi, SAH Monfared, A Bahrpeyma, P Mahmoudi, ...
Climate Research 91, 121-144, 2023
Exploitation of the ensemble-based machine learning strategies to elevate the precision of CORDEX regional simulations in precipitation projection
A Ghaemi, SA Hashemi Monfared, A Bahrpeyma, P Mahmoudi, ...
Earth Science Informatics 17 (2), 1373-1392, 2024
Evaluation of integrated artificial intelligence models in estimating total dissolved solid concentrations in the upstream of Sari city
A Ghaemi, M Azhdary Moghaddam, S Keikha
Watershed Engineering and Management 16 (1), 50-63, 2024
Spatiotemporal variation of projected drought characteristics in Iran under climate change scenarios using CMIP5-CORDEX product
A Ghaemi, SA Hashemi Monfared, A Bahrpeyma, P Mahmoudi, ...
Journal of Water and Climate Change 15 (3), 1054-1075, 2024
Spatiotemporal variation of projected drought characteristics of Iran under the climate change scenarios
A Ghaemi, SA Hashemi Monfared, A Bahrpeyma, P Mahmoudi, ...
Journal of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 5 (1), 68-80, 2022
Drought assessment using standardized precipitation index and random forest algorithm
R Vagheei, Z Torabi, A Ghaemi
Journal of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 3 (4), 390-405, 2021
Evaluating the effect of data preprocessing methods on the performance of soft computing techniques in estimation of dew point temperature
M Teimuri, A Ghaemi, G Azizyan, SA Hashemi Monfared
Journal of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 3 (2), 175-187, 2020
Estimation of transverse dispersion coefficient of pollutant transport in rivers using evolutionary computations
A Barahouie Nezhad, A Ghaemi, SA Hashemi Monfared, G Azizyan, ...
Iranian journal of Ecohydrology 6 (4), 901-912, 2019
文章 1–20