Diana Movilla Quesada
Diana Movilla Quesada
Universidad de Salamanca; Universidad Austral de Chile
在 uach.cl 的电子邮件经过验证
Use of plastic scrap in asphalt mixtures added by dry method as a partial substitute for bitumen
D Movilla-Quesada, AC Raposeiras, LT Silva-Klein, P Lastra-González, ...
Waste Management 87, 751-760, 2019
Study of the mechanical behavior of asphalt mixtures using fractional rheology to model their viscoelasticity
M Lagos-Varas, D Movilla-Quesada, JP Arenas, AC Raposeiras, ...
Construction and Building Materials 200, 124-134, 2019
Effect of copper slag addition on mechanical behavior of asphalt mixes containing reclaimed asphalt pavement
AC Raposeiras, A Vargas-Cerón, D Movilla-Quesada, D Castro-Fresno
Construction and Building materials 119, 268-276, 2016
Experimental study on stiffness development of asphalt mixture containing cement and Ca (OH) 2 as contribution filler
D Movilla-Quesada, AC Raposeiras, D Castro-Fresno, D Peña-Mansilla
Materials & Design 74, 157-163, 2015
Lime Stabilization of bentonite sludge from tunnel boring
D Castro-Fresno, D Movilla-Quesada, Á Vega-Zamanillo, ...
Applied Clay Science 51 (3), 250-257, 2011
Effects of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) on stiffness of hot asphalt mixtures
D Movilla-Quesada, AC Raposeiras, J Olavarría
Advances in Civil Engineering 2019 (1), 6969826, 2019
The use of copper slags as an aggregate replacement in asphalt mixes with RAP: Physical–chemical and mechanical behavioural analysis
AC Raposeiras, D Movilla-Quesada, R Bilbao-Novoa, C Cifuentes, ...
Construction and Building Materials 190, 427-438, 2018
Influence of limestone filler on the rheological properties of bituminous mastics through susceptibility master curves
M Lagos-Varas, D Movilla-Quesada, AC Raposeiras, JP Arenas, ...
Construction and Building Materials 231, 117126, 2020
Thermal suspectability analysis of the reuse of fly ash from cellulose industry as contribution filler in bituminous mixtures
D Movilla-Quesada, O Muñoz, AC Raposeiras, D Castro-Fresno
Construction and Building Materials 160, 268-277, 2018
Viscoelasticity modelling of asphalt mastics under permanent deformation through the use of fractional calculus
M Lagos-Varas, D Movilla-Quesada, AC Raposeiras, D Castro-Fresno, ...
Construction and Building Materials 329, 127102, 2022
Production of asphalt mixes with copper industry wastes: Use of copper slag as raw material replacement
AC Raposeiras, D Movilla-Quesada, O Muñoz-Cáceres, VC Andrés-Valeri, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 293, 112867, 2021
Study of the permanent deformation of binders and asphalt mixtures using rheological models of fractional viscoelasticity
M Lagos-Varas, AC Raposeiras, D Movilla-Quesada, JP Arenas, ...
Construction and Building Materials 260, 120438, 2020
Mechanical performance of sustainable asphalt mixtures manufactured with copper slag and high percentages of reclaimed asphalt pavement
O Muñoz-Cáceres, AC Raposeiras, D Movilla-Quesada, D Castro-Fresno, ...
Construction and Building Materials 304, 124653, 2021
Reduction in the use of mineral aggregate by recycling cellulose ashes to decrease the aging of hot asphalt mixtures
D Movilla-Quesada, AC Raposeiras, O Muñoz, D Castro-Fresno
Construction and Building Materials 143, 547-557, 2017
Evaluation of Marshall stiffness, indirect tensile stress and resilient modulus in asphalt mixes with reclaimed asphalt pavement and copper slag
A Raposeiras, D Movilla, A Vargas, R Bilbao, C Cifuentes
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción 32 (1), 15-24, 2017
Evaluation of water effect on bituminous mastics with different contribution fillers and binders
D Movilla-Quesada, Á Vega-Zamanillo, MÁ Calzada-Pérez, ...
Construction and Building Materials 29, 339-347, 2012
Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental impact of the production of asphalt mixes modified with recycled materials
D Movilla-Quesada, M Lagos-Varas, AC Raposeiras, O Muñoz-Cáceres, ...
Sustainability 13 (14), 8081, 2021
Use of Hydrated Ladle Furnace Slag as a filler substitute in asphalt mastics: Rheological analysis of filler/bitumen interaction
M Lagos-Varas, D Movilla-Quesada, AC Raposeiras, D Castro-Fresno, ...
Construction and Building Materials 332, 127370, 2022
Development of an estimative model for the optimal tack coat dosage based on aggregate gradation of hot mix asphalt pavements
AC Raposeiras, J Rojas-Mora, E Piffaut, D Movilla-Quesada, ...
Construction and Building Materials 118, 1-10, 2016
Experimental study of bituminous mastic behaviour using different fillers based on the UCL method
D Movilla-Quesada, A Vega-Zamanillo, MA Calzada-Pérez, ...
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 19 (2), 149-157, 2013
文章 1–20