Roman Cieśliński
Roman Cieśliński
在 univ.gda.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
Composition and origin of organic matter in surface sediments of Lake Sarbsko: a highly eutrophic and shallow coastal lake (northern Poland)
M Woszczyk, A Bechtel, R Gratzer, MJ Kotarba, M Kokociński, J Fiebig, ...
Organic geochemistry 42 (9), 1025-1038, 2011
Coastal lakes and marine intrusions on the southern Baltic coast
J Drwal, R Cieśliński
Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 36 (2), 61-75, 2007
Interactions between microbial degradation of sedimentary organic matter and lake hydrodynamics in shallow water bodies: insights from Lake Sarbsko (northern Poland)
M Woszczyk, A Bechtel, R Cieśliński
Journal of Limnology 70 (2), 293, 2011
Quasi-estuary processes and consequences for human activity, south Baltic
R Cieslinski, J Drwal
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (3), 477-485, 2005
Geograficzne uwarunkowania zmienności hydrochemicznej jezior wybrzeża południowego Bałtyku
R Cieśliński
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2011
Change of level of waters Lake Łebsko
I Chlost, R Cieśliński
Limnol. Rev 5 (622), 17-26, 2005
Chemical classifications of waters of chosen lakes of the central coast of the Polish coastline zone of the Southern Baltic
R Cieśliński
Limnol. Rev 4, 57-66, 2004
Best Practice Book for Peatland Restoration and Climate Change Mitigation–Experiences from LIFE Peat Restore Project
M Pakalne, J Etzold, M Llomets, L Jarašius, P Pawlaczyk, K Bociang, ...
University of Latvia, Riga.[Online] Available at: researchgate. net …, 2021
Groundwater supply of lakes: the case of Lake Raduńskie Górne (northern Poland, Kashubian Lake District)
R Cieśliński, J Piekarz, M Zieliński
Hydrological Sciences Journal 61 (13), 2427-2434, 2016
Temporal trend in the intensity of subsurface saltwater ingressions to coastal Lake Sarbsko (northern Poland) during the last few decades
M Woszczyk, W Spychalski, M Lutyńska, R Cieśliński
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 9 (1), 012013, 2010
Geochemistry of surface sediments of a coastal Lake Sarbsko (northern Poland)
M Woszczyk, R Cieśliński, W Spychalski
Studia Quaternaria 26, 2009
The impact of hydrometeorological events on the state of the urban river quality
Ł Pietruszyński, R Cieśliński
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 26 (3), 521-533, 2019
Handbook for assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands
L Jarašius, J Etzold, L Truus, AH Purre, J Sendžikaite, L Strazdina, ...
Applications of direct and indirect methods by LIFE Peat Restore. Vilnius …, 2022
Water circulation and recharge pathways of coastal lakes along the southern Baltic Sea in northern Poland
R Cieśliński, I Chlost, M Budzisz
Limnological Review 16 (2), 63-75, 2016
Short-term changes in specific conductivity in Polish coastal lakes (Baltic Sea basin)
R Cieśliński
Oceanologia 55 (3), 639-661, 2013
Zróżnicowanie typologiczne i funkcjonalne jezior w polskiej strefie brzegowej południowego Bałtyku
R Cieśliński
Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu 26, 2010
Sea water intrusions to the Lake Gardno
R Cieśliński, J Drwal, I Chlost
Baltic Coastal Zone 13 (part I), 2009
Impact of hydrometeorological conditions on the chemical composition of water in closed-basin kettle ponds: a comparative study of two postglacial areas
M Major, R Cieśliński
Journal of Elementology 22 (1), 2017
The effects of different land use and hydrological types on water chemistry of young glacial ponds
Ł Pietruszyński, R Cieśliński
Journal of Hydrology 564, 605-618, 2018
Hydrochemical variability of the ecosystem of the Gulf of Elbląg (north-eastern Poland).
R Cieśliński
Baltica 29 (2), 2016
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