Vasyl Yukhnovskyi
Vasyl Yukhnovskyi
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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Aerodynamic properties of windbreaks of various designs formed by thinning in central Ukraine
V Yukhnovskyi, O Polishchuk, G Lobchenko, V Khryk, S Levandovska
Agroforestry Systems 95, 855-865, 2021
Accumulation of heavy metals in soil and litter of roadside plantations in Western Polissia of Ukraine
S Maksimtsev, S Dudarets, V Yukhnovskyi
Folia Forestalia Polonica 63 (3), 232-242, 2021
Stability of natural regeneration at ravine-gylly systems
KV Mykhailovych, KI Vasyliovych, NV Valeravich, RS Uladzimiravich, ...
Труды БГТУ. Серия 1: Лесное хозяйство, природопользование и переработка …, 2021
Dynamics of ecological stability of small towns in Kyiv region
VY Yukhnovskyi, OV Zibtseva
Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 27 (2), 386-398, 2018
Natural regenerationon of ravine-gally systems and former arable lands in Оvruch region
V Khryk, V Maliuha, I Kimeichuk, V Khakhula, V Yukhnovskyi
Modern Scientific Researches, 2021
Fractional composition and formation of forest litter in scots pine plantations on ravine-gully systems and the plain of the Central part of Ukraine
V Maliuha, V Khryk, V Minder, I Kimeіchuk, M Raduchych, A Rasenchuk, ...
University of Forestry in Sofia, 2021
Green space trends in small towns of Kyiv region according to EOS Land Viewer–a case study
V Yukhnovskyi, O Zibtseva
Journal of Forest Science 66 (6), 252-263, 2020
Normalization of green space as a component of ecological stability of a town.
V Yukhnovskyi, O Zibtseva
Shliakhy vyrishennia problemy polezakhysnoho lisorozvedennia v Ukraini
VY Yukhnovskyi, VM Maliuha, MO Shtofel, SM Dudarets
Naukovi pratsi LANU 7, 62-65, 2009
Peculiarities of determining the morphogenesis of plants L. and (Mill.) DA Webb culture
V Matskevych, V Yukhnovskyi, I Kimeichuk, O Matskevych, O Shyta
Folia Forestalia Polonica 65 (1), 1-14, 2023
Forest melioration
O Pylypenko, V Yukhnovskyi, S Dudarets, V Maliuha
Kyiv: Ahrarna osvita (in Ukrainian), 2010
Sanitarnyi stan nasadzen na recultyvovanykh zemliakh [Sanitary status of plantations on reclaimed lands]
VY Yukhnovskyi, IA Protsenko, VM Khryk
Scientific Bulletin of NFTU 28 (11), 55-59, 2018
Особливості росту та фітомеліоративні властивості насаджень дуба червоного на рекультивованих землях Черкащини
IA Protsenko, GO Lobchenko, VY Yukhnovskyi
Науковий вісник НЛТУ України 29 (5), 60-65, 2019
Main foundations of the afforestation strategy in Ukraine
M Vedmid, I Debryniuk, V Yukhnovskyi, S Raspopina, Y Bila
Eco-service potential of sustainable development of small towns
VY Yukhnovskyi, OV Zibtseva
Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 28 (4), 795-803, 2019
Estimation of ecological stability of small town Bucha in Kyiv region
VY Yukhnovskyi, OV Zibtseva
Ukrainian Geography Journal 2, 49-56, 2019
Comparative analysis of settlements green plantations classification in Ukraine and post-Soviet countries
V Yukhnovskyi, O Zibtseva
Порівняльний аналіз класифікацій зелених насаджень населених пунктів України та пострадянських країн
ВЮ Юхновський, ОВ Зібцева
Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України, 90-98, 2018
The structure of root systems in young woody plants under the conditions of park areas with the composite topography
V Minder, V Maliuha, V Yukhnovskyi, F Brovko, V Khryk
Baltic forestry 28 (1), 2022
Spruce forest litter structure, distribution, and water retention along hiking trails in the Ukrainian Carpathians.
Y Ivanenko, G Lobchenko, V Maliuha, V Yukhnovskyi
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