Jean-Michel Schroëtter
Jean-Michel Schroëtter
French Geological and Mining Research Bureau / Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières
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Mantle petrology and mineralogy of the Thetford Mines ophiolite complex
P Pagé, JH Bédard, JM Schroetter, A Tremblay
Lithos 100 (1-4), 255-292, 2008
Hydrological behavior of a deep sub-vertical fault in crystalline basement and relationships with surrounding reservoirs
C Roques, O Bour, L Aquilina, B Dewandel, S Leray, JM Schroetter, ...
Journal of Hydrology 509, 42-54, 2014
Syncollisional basin development in the Appalachian orogen—the Saint-Daniel Mélange, southern Québec, Canada
JM Schroetter, A Tremblay, JH Bédard, ME Villeneuve
Geological Society of America Bulletin 118 (1-2), 109-125, 2006
Forearc extension and sea-floor spreading in the Thetford Mines Ophiolite complex
JM Schroetter, P Pagé, JH Bédard, A Tremblay, V Bécu
Special publication Geological Society of London 218, 231-252, 2003
Planation surfaces of the Armorican Massif (western France): Denudation chronology of a Mesozoic land surface twice exhumed in response to relative crustal movements between …
P Bessin, F Guillocheau, C Robin, JM Schroëtter, H Bauer
Geomorphology 233, 75-91, 2015
Structural evolution of the Thetford Mines Ophiolite Complex, Canada: Implications for the southern Québec ophiolitic belt
JM Schroetter, JH Bédard, A Tremblay
Tectonics 24 (1), 2005
Overview of the geology and Cr-PGE potential of the Southern Québec Ophiolite Belt
JH Bédard, P Pagé, V Bécu, JM Schroetter, A Tremblay
Mineral Deposits of Canada: A Synthesis of Major Deposit-Types, District …, 2007
L’enregistrement sédimentaire de la déformation mio- plio- quaternaire sur la bordure ouest de l’arc de Nice: analyse sédimento-morpho-structurale
JM Schroetter
Géologie Alpine 74, 146-149, 1998
Quantification of vertical movement of low elevation topography combining a new compilation of global sea-level curves and scattered marine deposits (Armorican Massif, western …
P Bessin, F Guillocheau, C Robin, J Braun, H Bauer, JM Schrötter
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 470, 25-36, 2017
Caractérisation structurale et stratigraphique du complexe ophiolitique de Thetford-Mines: implication géodynamique pour la zone de Dunnage du sud du Québec, Canada
JM Schroetter
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique Eau, Terre et Environnement, 2003
Structural and magmatic evolution of the Thetford Mines Ophiolite: Preliminary results from new mapping and analysis
JH Bédard, A Tremblay, JM Schroetter, V Bécu, P Pagé
GAC/MAC 2001 - Abstracts with program 26, 11, 2001
Atlas des aléas littoraux (érosion et submersion marine) des départements d’Ile et Vilaine, des Côtesd’Armor et du Finistère
JM Schroëtter, E Blaise
Phase, 2015
Notice explicative de la ville de Brazzaville
Y Callec, F Paquet, B Issautier, JM Schroetter, D Thieblemont, ...
Editions BRGM, 2015
The Thetford Mines Ophiolite Complex: Focus on the petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry (REE, PGE) of a supra-subduction mantle section
P Pagé, JH Bédard, A Tremblay, J Schroetter
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2003, V22H-01, 2003
Structural evolution of the Thetford Mines ophiolite complex, Quebec: From syn-oceanic rifting to obduction and post-obduction deformation
JM Schroetter, P Pagé, A Tremblay, JH Bédard
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 34 (1), A-21, 2002
L’enregistrement sédimentaire de la déformation mio-plio-quaternaire sur la bordure ouest de l’arc de Nice
JM Schroetter
Mémoire de DEA Dynamique de la Lithosphère, des Marges océaniques aux …, 1997
Bassins versants bretons en contentieux européen: typologie et modélisation de l'évolution des concentrations en nitrates. Phase 2-Rapport final
B Mougin, D Allier, E Putot, JJ Seguin, P Stollsteiner, JM Schroetter
BRGM/RP-56408-FR, 2008
Calcul des volumes d’eau souterraine sur 12 bassins versants bretons en zone de socle et apports sur les temps moyens de résidence des eaux souterraines
B Mougin, E Thomas, F Mathieu, JM Baltassat, JM Schroetter, R Blanchin, ...
Aquifères de socle: Le point sur les concepts et les applications …, 2015
The Armorican Massif (Western France)-A buried relief two times exhumed in response to Iberia-Eurasia movements (Early Cretaceous, base of Cenozoic)
P Bessin, F Guillocheau, C Robin, H Bauer, JM Schroëtter
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5310, 2014
Hydrodynamic and geochemical characterization of deep hard rock aquifer (Saint-Brice en Coglès, French Brittany)
C Roques, L Aquilina, O Bour, L Longuevergne, B Dewandel, ...
IAHS Conference, 2012
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