Ewa Bergqvist
Ewa Bergqvist
Senior lecturer (docent) in Mathematics Education, Umeå University, Sweden
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Developing mathematical competence: From the intended to the enacted curriculum
J Boesen, O Helenius, E Bergqvist, T Bergqvist, J Lithner, T Palm, ...
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 33, 72-87, 2014
Types of reasoning required in university exams in mathematics
E Bergqvist
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 26 (4), 348-370, 2007
Matematikutbildningens mål och undervisningens ändamålsenlighet [elektronisk resurs]: Grundskolan våren 2009
E Bergqvist, T Bergqvist, J Boesen, O Helenius, J Lithner, T Palm, ...
Göteborg: Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning, Göteborgs universitet, 2010
Mathematical competencies: A research framework
J Lithner, E Bergqvist, T Bergqvist, J Boesen, T Palm, B Palmberg
The seventh mathematics education research seminar, Stockholm, January 26-27 …, 2010
What is so special about mathematical texts? Analyses of common claims in research literature and of properties of textbooks
M Österholm, E Bergqvist
ZDM 45 (5), 751-763, 2013
The role of the formal written curriculum in standards-based reform
E Bergqvist, T Bergqvist
Journal of Curriculum Studies 49 (2), 149-168, 2017
En tolkning av målen med den svenska gymnasiematematiken och tolkningens konsekvenser för uppgiftskonstruktion
T Palm, E Bergqvist, I Eriksson, T Hellström, CM Häggström
Enheten för pedagogiska mätningar, Umeå universitet, 2004
University Mathematics Teachers' Views on the Required Reasoning in Calculus Exams
E Bergqvist
The Mathematics Enthusiast 9 (3), 2012
Uncommon vocabulary in mathematical tasks in relation to demand of reading ability and solution frequency
A Dyrvold, E Bergqvist, M Österholm
Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education 20 (1), 101-128, 2015
Mathematics and mathematics education, Two sides of the same coin, Some results on positive currents related to polynomial convexity and creative reasoning in university exams …
E Bergqvist
Mathematics and mathematical statistics, Umeå, 2006
A Theoretical Model of the Connection Between the Process of Reading and the Process of Solving Mathematical Tasks
E Bergqvist, M Österholm
MADIF-7, the seventh Swedish Mathematics Education Research Seminar, 47-57, 2010
Språkbrukets roll i matematikundervisningen
E Bergqvist, M Österholm
Nämnaren: tidskrift för matematikundervisning 2014 (1), 27-31, 2014
Relating vocabulary in mathematical tasks to aspects of reading and solving
E Bergqvist, A Dyrvold, M Österholm
MADIF 8, The Eighth Mathematics Education Research Seminar, Umeå, January 24 …, 2012
Matematikutbildningens mål och undervisningens ändamålsenlighet. Gymnasieskolan hösten 2009
E Bergqvist, T Bergqvist, J Boesen, O Helenius, J Lithner, T Palm, ...
Göteborgs universitet, 2010
The role of linguistic features when reading and solving mathematics tasks in different languages
E Bergqvist, F Theens, M Österholm
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 51, 41-55, 2018
What mathematical task properties can cause an unnecessary demand of reading ability?
M Österholm, E Bergqvist
In G. H. Gunnarsdottir, F. Hreinsdottir, G. Palsdottir, M. Hannula, M …, 2011
Methodological issues when studying the relationship between reading and solving mathematical tasks
M Österholm, E Bergqvist
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 17 (1), 5-30, 2012
Communicating mathematics or mathematical communication?: An analysis of competence frameworks
E Bergqvist, M Österholm
The 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of …, 2012
Är det svårare att dela med fyra än med två när man läser matte C?: en jämförelse av svårighetsgrad mellan olika versioner av matematikuppgifter i nationella kursprov
E Bergqvist, A Lind
Institutionen för beteendevetenskapliga mätningar, Umeå universitet, 2005
Teachers' interpretations of the concept of problem-a link between written and intended reform curriculum
E Bergqvist, T Bergqvist
The 2020 Virtual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of …, 2020
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