Ypsi Soemantri
Ypsi Soemantri
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The analysis of denotative and connotative meaning in Ariana Grande’s song lyrics: A semantic study
DR Pratiwi, LM Indrayani, YS Soemantri
The expressive speech act on Ridwan Kamil’s comments in Instagram posting about first COVID-19 case in Indonesia
Y Anggraeni, LM Indrayani, YS Soemantri
Journal of English Education and Teaching 4 (3), 368-385, 2020
Assertive illocutionary act adapted in Donald Trump’s political speech: a pragmatic study
R Ramadhani, LM Indrayani, YS Soemantri
Fairclough’S three dimension framework used on Trump’S political speech: A critical discourse analysis (A case study of historic speech related to Jerussalem As Israel’S Capital)
D Handayani, H Heriyanto, YS Soemantri
Aicll: Annual International Conference on Language and Literature 1 (1), 336-343, 2018
The production of interdental fricatives by English as a foreign language students in English Course Bandung
SF Firdaus, LM Indrayani, YS Soemantri
Linguistics and ELT Journal 8 (1), 1-9, 2020
Upaya Pelestarian Kesenian Khas Desa Mekarsari dan Desa Simpang, Kecamatan Cikajang, Kabupaten Garut
SY Soemantri, LM Indrayani
Dharmakarya: Jurnal Aplikasi Ipteks Untuk Masyarakat 4 (1), 2015
Representasi Wanita dalam Poster Iklan Pengharum Pakaian “Downy”: Kajian Semiotika Peirce
SN Zakiyah, D Indira, RL Ardiati, YS Soemantri
Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra 6 (2), 110-125, 2021
Curriculum and learning management: Integration of creative economy value to improve students’ life skill
YML Malaikosa, AP Widyadharma, WT Pangestu
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi 12 (1), 76-85, 2022
Representasi Budaya Ramadan Di Indonesia Dalam Iklan Gojek Versi Ramadan 2021: Kajian Semiotika Roland Barthes
R Rafkahanun, D Indira, RL Ardiati, YS Soemantri
Stilistika: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra 15 (1), 111-121, 2022
A corpus-based study of self-mention markers in English research articles
SF Firdaus, YS Soemantri, S Yuliawati
International Journal of Language Teaching and Education 5 (2), 37-46, 2021
The Morpho-Phonemic Processes in Indonesian Advertisement’s Slogans
OC Dewi, LM Indrayani, YS Soemantri
Celtic: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and …, 2020
Analisis Semiotika Pierce: Perbandingan Poster Iklan Sampo Di Tiongkok Dan Indonesia
L Kunmei, D Indira, YS Soemantri, RL Ardiati
MIMESIS 3 (1), 58-74, 2022
Representation of the Indonesia government in handling COVID-19 case on tempo magazine cover
Y Anggraeni, S Ypsi, IL Soeria
E-Journal of Linguistics, 07-15, 2021
Attitudinal Meaning in Martin Luther King Jr Speech: A Functional Grammar Approach
AS Haq, LM Indrayani, YS Soemantri
Celtic: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and …, 2020
The Lodge Maribaya Sebagai Salah Satu Pilihan Destinasi Ekowisata Kabupaten Bandung Barat
S Machdalena, AP Dewi, YS Soemantri
Jurnal Pariwisata Terapan 2 (2), 96-107, 2018
Pemaknaan Tanda Model Saussure Dan Peirce Pada Tanda-Tanda Yang Berkaitan Dengan Laut
YS Soemantri, S Machdalena
Metahumaniora 10 (3), 373-389, 2020
Analysis of Jokowi’s Commissive Speech Acts in 2014 and 2019 Inaugural Address: A Pragmatic Study
SF Firdaus, LM Indrayani, YS Soemantri
Teknosastik 18 (2), 82-89, 2020
The correlation between social deixis and social class in a speech by nobel prize winners: A sociopragmatic study
AK Zulyanputri, LM Indrayani, YS Soemantri
LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal 10 (1), 23-39, 2020
Theme and Thematic Progression in Narrative Texts of Indonesian EFL Learners
AR Rahayu, E Krisnawati, YS Soemantri
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences 5 (3), 812-817, 2020
Verba berpreposisi to bahasa Inggris: Kajian Sintaktis dan semantis
YS Soemantri
Disertasi) Bandung: Universitas Padjadjaran, 2010
文章 1–20