Julia Watzek
Julia Watzek
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Establishing an infrastructure for collaboration in primate cognition research
Many Primates, DM Altschul, MJ Beran, M Bohn, J Call, S DeTroy, ...
PLoS One, 2019
Social inhibition and behavioural flexibility when the context changes: a comparison across six primate species
F Amici, J Call, J Watzek, S Brosnan, F Aureli
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 3067, 2018
Collaborative open science as a way to reproducibility and new insights in primate cognition research
DM Altschul, MJ Beran, M Bohn, KR Caspar, C Fichtel, M Försterling, ...
Japanese Psychological Review 62 (3), 205-220, 2019
The Importance of a Truly Comparative Methodology for Comparative Psychology
MF Smith, J Watzek, SF Brosnan
International Journal of Comparative Psychology 31, 2018
Justice at any cost? The impact of cost-benefit salience on criminal punishment judgments
E Aharoni, HM Kleider-Offutt, SF Brosnan, J Watzek
Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 2018
Huddling is more important than rest site selection for thermoregulation in southern bamboo lemurs
TM Eppley, J Watzek, KH Dausmann, JU Ganzhorn, G Donati
Animal Behaviour 127, 153-161, 2017
Capuchin and rhesus monkeys but not humans show cognitive flexibility in an optional-switch task
J Watzek, SM Pope, SF Brosnan
Scientific Reports 9, 2019
The influence of reward quality and quantity and spatial proximity on the responses to inequity and contrast in capuchin monkeys (Cebus [Sapajus] apella).
CF Talbot, AE Parrish, J Watzek, JL Essler, KL Leverett, A Paukner, ...
Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2018
Predator avoidance and dietary fibre predict diurnality in the cathemeral folivore Hapalemur meridionalis
TM Eppley, J Watzek, JU Ganzhorn, G Donati
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71 (4), 12, 2017
Climatic, social and reproductive influences on behavioural thermoregulation in a female-dominated lemur
TM Eppley, J Watzek, K Hall, D Giuseppe
Animal Behaviour 134, 25-34, 2017
Optional-switch cognitive flexibility in primates: Chimpanzees’ (Pan troglodytes) intermediate susceptibility to cognitive set
SM Pope, J Fagot, A Meguerditchian, J Watzek, S Lew-Levy, MM Autrey, ...
Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2019
Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) tolerate some degree of inequity while cooperating but refuse to donate effort for nothing
MW Campbell, J Watzek, M Suchak, SM Berman, FBM de Waal
American Journal of Primatology, 2020
Novice chimpanzees cooperate successfully in the presence of experts, but may have limited understanding of the task
M Suchak, J Watzek, LF Quarles, FBM de Waal
Animal Cognition, 2017
Capuchin and rhesus monkeys show sunk cost effects in a psychomotor task
J Watzek, S Brosnan
Scientific Reports 10, 20396, 2020
(Ir)rational choices of humans, rhesus macaques, and capuchin monkeys in dynamic stochastic environments
J Watzek, SF Brosnan
Cognition 178, 109-117, 2018
The evolution of primate short-term memory
E Herrmann, M Joly, L Loyant
Animal behavior and cognition 9 (4), 428-516, 2022
Long-term memory of a complex foraging task in monitor lizards (Reptilia: Squamata: Varanidae)
TL Cooper, CL Zabinski, EJ Adams, SM Berry, J Pardo-Sanchez, ...
Journal of Herpetology 54 (3), 378-383, 2020
Comparative Economics: Using Experimental Economic Paradigms to Understand Primate Social Decision-Making
J Watzek, MF Smith, SF Brosnan
Evolution of Primate Social Cognition, 129-141, 2018
Responses to modified Monty Hall Dilemmas in capuchin monkeys, rhesus macaques, and humans
J Watzek, W Whitham, DA Washburn, SF Brosnan
International Journal of Comparative Psychology 31, 2018
Modelling collective decision-making: Insights into collective anti-predator behaviors from an agent-based approach
J Watzek, ME Hauber, KM Jack, JR Murrell, SR Tecot, SF Brosnan
Behavioural Processes 193, 104530, 2021
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