Viviana Ventre
Viviana Ventre
Tenured Assistant Professor Dept. of Mathematics and Physics University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli
在 unicampania.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Assessing false consensus effect in a consensus enhancing procedure
M Squillante, V Ventre
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 25 (3), 274-285, 2010
Deforming time in a nonadditive discount function
S Cruz Rambaud, V Ventre
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 32 (5), 467-480, 2017
An analysis of intertemporal inconsistency through the hyperbolic factor
V Ventre, S Cruz Rambaud, R Martino, F Maturo
Quality & Quantity 57 (1), 819-846, 2023
The intertemporal choice behaviour: Classical and alternative delay discounting models and control techniques
AGS Ventre, V Ventre
Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti-Classe di Scienze Fisiche …, 2012
A fuzzy functional k-means approach for monitoring Italian regions according to health evolution over time
F Maturo, J Ferguson, T Di Battista, V Ventre
Soft Computing 24, 13741-13755, 2020
Modeling the inconsistency in intertemporal choice: the generalized Weibull discount function and its extension
S Cruz Rambaud, I González Fernández, V Ventre
Annals of Finance 14, 415-426, 2018
The analysis of the impact of the framing effect on the choice of financial products: an analytical hierarchical process approach
V Ventre, R Martino, R Castellano, P Sarnacchiaro
Annals of Operations Research, 1-17, 2023
Consensus in multiperson decision making using fuzzy coalitions
F Maturo, V Ventre
Soft Computing Applications for Group Decision-making and Consensus Modeling …, 2018
Subjective perception of time and decision inconsistency in interval effect
V Ventre, R Martino, F Maturo
Quality & Quantity 57 (5), 4855-4880, 2023
Quantification of aversion to uncertainty in intertemporal choice through subjective perception of time
V Ventre, R Martino
Mathematics 10 (22), 4315, 2022
A behavioral approach to inconsistencies in intertemporal choices with the Analytic Hierarchy Process methodology
V Ventre, CR Salvador, R Martino, F Maturo
Annals of Finance 19 (2), 233-264, 2023
Analyzing AHP matrix by robust regression
G Marcarelli, B Simonetti, V Ventre
Advanced Dynamic Modeling of Economic and Social Systems, 223-231, 2013
A model for evaluating the transaction risk in e-banking
M Fedrizzi, A Molinari, V Ventre
IADIS International Conference e-Society Avila 7 (1), 172-178, 2004
The intertemporal choice behaviour: The role of emotions in a multi-agent decision problem
A Longo, M Squillante, AGS Ventre, V Ventre
Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti-Classe di Scienze Fisiche …, 2015
Information and intertemporal choices in multi-agent decision problems
M Olivieri, M Squillante, V Ventre
Ratio Mathematica 31, 3, 2016
Analytic Hierarchy Process for classes of economic behavior in the context of intertemporal choices
R Martino, V Ventre, G di Tollo
Ratio Mathematica 47, 2023
A multidisciplinary approach to decompose decision-making process in the context of intertemporal choices
R Martino, V Ventre
Ratio Mathematica 43, 231-246, 2022
An analytic network process to support financial decision-making in the context of behavioural finance
R Martino, V Ventre
Mathematics 11 (18), 3994, 2023
On consistency and incoherence in analytical hierarchy process and intertemporal choices models
F Maturo, V Ventre, A Longo
Models and Theories in Social Systems, 327-342, 2019
An original approach to anomalies in intertemporal choices through functional data analysis: Theory and application for the study of Hikikomori syndrome
V Ventre, R Martino, SC Rambaud, F Maturo, A Porreca
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 92, 101840, 2024
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