Xingchi Shen
Xingchi Shen
Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University
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Are stay-at-home orders more difficult to follow for low-income groups?
J Lou, X Shen, D Niemeier
Journal of transport geography 89, 102894, 2020
Estimation of change in house sales prices in the United States after heat pump adoption
X Shen, P Liu, Y Qiu, A Patwardhan, P Vaishnav
Nature Energy 6 (1), 30-37, 2021
Wind power development, government regulation structure, and vested interest groups: Analysis based on panel data of Province of China
X Shen, S Lyu
Energy Policy 128, 487-494, 2019
Empirical grid impact of in-home electric vehicle charging differs from predictions
YL Qiu, YD Wang, H Iseki, X Shen, B Xing, H Zhang
Resource and Energy Economics 67, 101275, 2022
The effect of rebate and loan incentives on residential heat pump adoption: evidence from North Carolina
X Shen, YL Qiu, P Liu, A Patwardhan
Environmental and Resource Economics 82 (3), 741-789, 2022
The impact of co-adopting electric vehicles, solar photovoltaics, and battery storage on electricity consumption patterns: Empirical evidence from Arizona
X Shen, YL Qiu, X Bo, A Patwardhan, N Hultman, B Dong
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 192, 106914, 2023
The impacts of special environmental events on short-run electricity-saving behaviors
X Shen, Y Qiu, L Luo, X Zheng
Environmental Research Letters 16 (9), 094035, 2021
The Economic Consequences of Local Gas Leaks: Evidence from Massachusetts Housing Market
X Shen, M Edwards, Y Qiu, P Liu
SSRN working paper, 2021
The dually negative effect of industrial polluting enterprises on China’s air pollution: A provincial panel data analysis based on environmental regulation theory
S Lyu, X Shen, Y Bi
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (21), 7814, 2020
Assessing inequities in heat pump adoption across the US
MR Edwards, J Garibay-Rodriguez, JS Erickson, M Shayan, JL Tan, ...
Income and racial disparity in household publicly available electric vehicle infrastructure accessibility
J Lou, X Shen, DA Niemeier, N Hultman
Nature Communications 15 (1), 5106, 2024
What matters for the racial disparity in clean heating technology adoption? Evidence from US heat pumps
X Shen
USAEE Working Paper, 2023
Power supply disruptions deter electric vehicle adoption in cities in China
Y Qiu, N Deng, B Wang, X Shen, Z Wang, N Hultman, H Shi, J Liu, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 6041, 2024
Advancing Equity in Energy Services: Utilities and Public Policy
M Edwards, X Shen, C Chen
2023 APPAM Fall Research Conference, 2023
Assessing inequities in electrification via heat pumps across the US
MR Edwards, J Garibay-Rodriguez, JS Erickson, M Shayan, JL Tan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.16488, 2023
Applications of Big Data in Environmental and Energy Policy Analysis
YL Qiu, X Shen, A Waxman
2021 APPAM Fall Research Conference, 2022
Three essays on facilitating electrification and energy efficiency from the demand side
X Shen
University of Maryland, College Park, 2022
The Impacts of Special Environmental Events on Electricity-Saving Behaviors: Evidence from Smart Meter Data of Residential and Commercial Consumers
X Shen, Y Qiu, L Luo, X Zheng
Energy, COVID, and Climate Change, 1st IAEE Online Conference, June 7-9, 2021, 2021
Quantify the Economy-Wide Employment Effect from Coal-Fired Power Plants: Two Different Cases China and the United States
J Lou, G Hu, X Shen, RY Cui
Available at SSRN 4784071, 0
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