A support vector method for optimizing average precision Y Yue, T Finley, F Radlinski, T Joachims Proceedings of the 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2007 | 902 | 2007 |
Interactively optimizing information retrieval systems as a dueling bandits problem Y Yue, T Joachims Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning …, 2009 | 377 | 2009 |
The k-armed dueling bandits problem Y Yue, J Broder, R Kleinberg, T Joachims Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 2009 | 367 | 2009 |
A deep learning approach for generalized speech animation S Taylor, T Kim, Y Yue, M Mahler, J Krahe, AG Rodriguez, J Hodgins, ... ACM Transactions On Graphics (TOG) 36 (4), 1-11, 2017 | 317 | 2017 |
Batch Policy Learning under Constraints HM Le, C Voloshin, Y Yue International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2019 | 313 | 2019 |
Neural lander: Stable drone landing control using learned dynamics G Shi, X Shi, M O'Connell, R Yu, K Azizzadenesheli, A Anandkumar, ... International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019 | 288 | 2019 |
Multi-level structured models for document-level sentiment classification A Yessenalina, Y Yue, C Cardie Proceedings of the 2010 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2010 | 273 | 2010 |
Learning for Safety-Critical Control with Control Barrier Functions A Taylor, A Singletary, Y Yue, A Ames Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC), 2020 | 267 | 2020 |
Beyond position bias: Examining result attractiveness as a source of presentation bias in clickthrough data Y Yue, R Patel, H Roehrig Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web, 1011-1018, 2010 | 235 | 2010 |
Long-term forecasting using higher order tensor-train rnns R Yu, S Zheng, A Anandkumar, Y Yue arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.00073, 2017 | 223* | 2017 |
Large Scale Validation and Analysis of Interleaved Search Evaluation O CHAPELLE, T JOACHIMS, F RADLINSKI, Y YUE ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 30 (1), 6:1--6:41, 2012 | 221 | 2012 |
Coordinated Multi-Agent Imitation Learning HM Le, Y Yue, P Carr, P Lucey International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2017 | 216 | 2017 |
Hierarchical Imitation and Reinforcement Learning HM Le, N Jiang, A Agarwal, M Dudík, Y Yue, H Daumé III International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2018 | 209 | 2018 |
Predicting diverse subsets using structural SVMs Y Yue, T Joachims Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning, 1224-1231, 2008 | 209 | 2008 |
Large-Scale Analysis of Soccer Matches using Spatiotemporal Tracking Data A Bialkowski, P Lucey, P Carr, Y Yue, S Sridharan, I Matthews IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2014 | 202 | 2014 |
PhaseLink: A deep learning approach to seismic phase association ZE Ross, Y Yue, MA Meier, E Hauksson, TH Heaton Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (1), 856-869, 2019 | 193 | 2019 |
Linear Submodular Bandits and its Application to Diversified Retrieval Y Yue, C Guestrin Proceedings of Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2011 | 189* | 2011 |
Iterative Amortized Inference J Marino, Y Yue, S Mandt International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2018 | 186 | 2018 |
Stagewise Safe Bayesian Optimization with Gaussian Processes Y Sui, V Zhuang, JW Burdick, Y Yue International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2018 | 160 | 2018 |
Safe Exploration and Optimization of Constrained MDPs using Gaussian Processes A Wachi, Y Sui, Y Yue, M Ono AAAI, 2018 | 142 | 2018 |