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Analysis of finite-buffer discrete-time batch-service queue with batch-size-dependent service
A Banerjee, UC Gupta, V Goswami
Computers & Industrial Engineering 75, 121-128, 2014
强制性开放获取政策: Department of Science & Technology, India
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Algorithmic computation of steady-state probabilities in an almost observable GI/M/c queue with or without vacations under state dependent balking and reneging
D Guha, V Goswami, AD Banik
Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (5-6), 4199-4219, 2016
强制性开放获取政策: Department of Science & Technology, India
Equilibrium balking strategies in renewal input batch arrival queues with multiple and single working vacation
D Guha, V Goswami, AD Banik
Performance Evaluation 94, 1-24, 2015
强制性开放获取政策: Department of Science & Technology, India
Analysis of a discrete-time queue with load dependent service under discrete-time Markovian arrival process
UC Gupta, SK Samanta, V Goswami
Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 43, 545-557, 2014
强制性开放获取政策: Department of Science & Technology, India
Equilibrium and socially optimal balking strategies in Markovian queues with vacations and sequential abandonment
G Panda, V Goswami, AD Banik
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 33 (05), 1650036, 2016
强制性开放获取政策: Department of Science & Technology, India
Equilibrium balking strategies in renewal input queue with Bernoulli-schedule controlled vacation and vacation interruption
G Panda, V Goswami, AD Banik, D Guha
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 12 (3), 851-878, 2016
强制性开放获取政策: Department of Science & Technology, India
Equilibrium Balking Strategy in an Unobservable GI/M/c Queue with Customers’ Impatience
D Guha, AD Banik, V Goswami, S Ghosh
Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 10th International Conference …, 2014
强制性开放获取政策: Department of Science & Technology, India
A novel computational procedure for the waiting-time distribution (in the queue) for bulk-service finite-buffer queues with poisson input
M Chaudhry, A Datta Banik, S Barik, V Goswami
Mathematics 11 (5), 1142, 2023
强制性开放获取政策: Department of Science & Technology, India
Analytically Explicit Results for the Distribution of the Number of Customers Served during a Busy Period for Special Cases of the M/G/1 Queue
ML Chaudhry, V Goswami
Journal of Probability and Statistics 2019 (1), 7398658, 2019
强制性开放获取政策: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Research Article Analytically Explicit Results for the Distribution of the Number of Customers Served during a Busy Period for Special Cases of the M/G/1 Queue
ML Chaudhry, V Goswami
强制性开放获取政策: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada