Anne Nuraini
Anne Nuraini
在 unpad.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Pengaruh kombinasi media tanam dan konsentrasi pupuk daun terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman anggrek Dendrobium sp. pada tahap aklimatisasi
YR Suradinata, A Nuraini, A Setiadi
J. Agrivigor 11 (2), 104-116, 2012
Pengujian efektivitas berbagai jenis dan konsentrasi sitokinin terhadap multiplikasi tunas mikro pisang (Musa paradisiaca L.) secara in vitro The experiment of effectiveness …
B DRS, E Suminar, A Nuraini, A Ismail
Jurnal Kultivasi Vol 15 (2), 2016
Pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman cabai (Capsicum sp.) yang diberi pupuk hayati pada pertanaman kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
C Suherman, MA Soleh, A Nuraini, NF Annisa
Jurnal Kultivasi 17 (2), 2018
Stability and adaptability of yield among earliness sweet corn hybrids in West Java, Indonesia
D Ruswandi, Y Yuwariah, M Ariyanti, M Syafii, A Nuraini
International Journal of Agronomy 2020 (1), 4341906, 2020
Multiplikasi tunas meriklon kentang pada berbagai jenis dan konsentrasi sitokinin
M Munggarani, E Suminar, A Nuraini, S Mubarok
Agrologia 7 (2), 288777, 2018
Selection of high-yield maize hybrid under different cropping systems based on stability and adaptability parameters
D Ruswandi, E Azizah, H Maulana, M Ariyanti, A Nuraini, ...
Open Agriculture 7 (1), 161-170, 2022
The use of paclobutrazol and shading net on growth and yield of potato'medians' tuber of G2 in medium land of Indonesia.
JS Hamdani, A Nuraini, S Mubarok
Pengaruh konsentrasi giberelin dan pupuk organik cair asal rami terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman rami (Boehmeria nivea L.(Gaud)) klon Ramindo 1 The effect of gibberellic …
C Suherman, A Nuraini, R Damayanthi
Jurnal Kultivasi Vol 15 (3), 165, 2016
Respons pertumbuhan dan hasil benih kentang G0 di dataran medium terhadap waktu dan cara aplikasi paklobutrazol
NS Azima, A Nuraini, H JS
Jurnal Kultivasi 16 (2), 313-319, 2017
Pengaruh pemangkasan terhadap pertumbuhan: Percabangan dan pembesaran bonggol tiga kultivar Kamboja Jepang (Adenium arabicum) Effect of pruning on growth: Branching and stump …
Y Rochayat, AC Amalia, A Nuraini
Jurnal Kultivasi Vol 16 (2), 2017
Effects of cytokinin and paclobutrazol application time on growth and yield of G2 potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Medians cultivar at medium altitude in Indonesia
A Nuraini, PS Nugroho, W Sutari, S Mubarok, JS Hamdani
Agriculture and Natural Resources 55 (2), 171–176-171–176, 2021
Rumita.(2015). Effect of concentration and length time of soaking seed in gibberellic acid (GA3) on germination and growth of christmas palm (Veitchia merilli (Beec) HF Moors)
YR Suradinata, A Nuraini
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN 6 (11), 492-495, 0
Agronomical characteristics of sweet corn under different plant growth regulators during the dry season
S Mubarok, FY Wicaksono, A Nuraini, BPN Rahmat, R Budiarto
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (6), 2022
Pemecahan dormansi benih kelapa sawit dengan metode dry heat treatment dan pemberian giberelin
A Nuraini, IF Pangaribuan, C Suherman
Agrin 20 (2), 2016
Morpho-physiological responses of iaa9 tomato mutants to different levels of PEG simulated drought stress
E Suminar, R Budiarto, A Nuraini, S Mubarok, H Ezura
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (6), 2022
Pengembangan tes diagnostik miskonsepsi empat tahap tentang kinematika
P Pujayanto, R Budiharti, Y Radiyono, N Rizky, A Nuraini, HV Putri, ...
Cakrawala Pendidikan 37 (2), 237-249, 2018
Multiplikasi tunas mikro pisang (Musa paradisiaca l.)‘raja bulu’secara in vitro pada berbagai jenis dan konsentrasi sitokinin Micro shoots of banana (Musa paradisiaca l.)‘raja …
TA Elma, E Suminar, S Mubarok, A Nuraini
Jurnal Kultivasi Vol 16 (3), 419, 2017
Endophytic microbiome of Boehmeria nivea and their antagonism against latent fungal pathogens in plants
AP Wulandari, E Triani, K Sari, M Prasetyani, M Nurzaman, RD Purwati, ...
BMC microbiology 22 (1), 320, 2022
Response of shoot and root in vitro cultures of banana plant (Musa acuminata l.) cv Barangan to salinity stresses
A Dikayani, A Nuraini, WA Qosim
Asian Journal of Agricultural Research 11 (4), 103-107, 2017
Regenerasi berbagai jenis eksplan nilam klon Sidikalang dan aplikasi azotobacter pada tahap aklimatisasi
E Suminar, DS Sorbana, A Nuraini, S Mubarok, P Suryatmana, ...
Jurnal Agrikultura 27 (2), 72-82, 2016
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