Genetic algorithms+ data structures= evolution programs Z Michalewicz Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 25391 | 2013 |
Handbook of evolutionary computation T Bäck, DB Fogel, Z Michalewicz Release 97 (1), B1, 1997 | 4610 | 1997 |
How to Solve it: Modern Heuristics Z Michalewicz Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 3782 | 2013 |
Parameter control in evolutionary algorithms ÁE Eiben, R Hinterding, Z Michalewicz IEEE Transactions on evolutionary computation 3 (2), 124-141, 1999 | 2621 | 1999 |
Evolutionary algorithms for constrained parameter optimization problems Z Michalewicz, M Schoenauer Evolutionary computation 4 (1), 1-32, 1996 | 2376 | 1996 |
Evolutionary computation 1: Basic algorithms and operators T Bäck CRC press, 2018 | 1953 | 2018 |
Evolutionary algorithms, homomorphous mappings, and constrained parameter optimization S Koziel, Z Michalewicz Evolutionary computation 7 (1), 19-44, 1999 | 1079 | 1999 |
Evolutionary algorithms in engineering applications D Dasgupta, Z Michalewicz Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 942 | 2013 |
Particle swarm optimization for single objective continuous space problems: a review MR Bonyadi, Z Michalewicz Evolutionary computation 25 (1), 1-54, 2017 | 852 | 2017 |
An experimental comparison of binary and floating point representations in genetic algorithms. CZ Janikow, Z Michalewicz ICGA 1991, 31-36, 1991 | 830 | 1991 |
A survey of constraint handling techniques in evolutionary computation methods Z Michalewicz | 734 | 1995 |
Algorytmy genetyczne+ struktury danych Z Michalewicz Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, 2003 | 691 | 2003 |
Genetic algorithms, numerical optimization, and constraints Z Michalewicz Proceedings of the sixth international conference on genetic algorithms 195 …, 1995 | 680 | 1995 |
Handling constraints in genetic algorithms. Z Michalewicz, CZ Janikow Icga 398, 151-157, 1991 | 606 | 1991 |
Adaptive evolutionary planner/navigator for mobile robots J Xiao, Z Michalewicz, L Zhang, K Trojanowski IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 1 (1), 18-28, 1997 | 585 | 1997 |
Penalty functions AE Smith, DW Coit, T Baeck, D Fogel, Z Michalewicz Handbook of evolutionary computation 97 (1), C5, 1997 | 547 | 1997 |
GAVaPS-a genetic algorithm with varying population size J Arabas, Z Michalewicz, J Mulawka Proceedings of the First IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation. IEEE …, 1994 | 543 | 1994 |
Genocop III: A co-evolutionary algorithm for numerical optimization problems with nonlinear constraints Z Michalewicz, G Nazhiyath Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary …, 1995 | 505 | 1995 |
Parameter control in evolutionary algorithms AE Eiben, Z Michalewicz, M Schoenauer, JE Smith Parameter setting in evolutionary algorithms, 19-46, 2007 | 495 | 2007 |
Evolutionary algorithms for constrained engineering problems Z Michalewicz, D Dasgupta, RG Le Riche, M Schoenauer Computers & Industrial Engineering 30 (4), 851-870, 1996 | 485 | 1996 |