Luis Macedo
Modeling forms of surprise in an artificial agent
L Macedo, A Cardoso
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2001
A critical review of the effects of wearable cameras on memory
AR Silva, MS Pinho, L Macedo, CJA Moulin
Neuropsychological rehabilitation 28 (1), 117-141, 2018
Benefits of SenseCam review on neuropsychological test performance
AR Silva, S Pinho, LM Macedo, CJ Moulin
American journal of preventive medicine 44 (3), 302-307, 2013
Modeling forms of surprise in artificial agents: empirical and theoretical study of surprise functions
L Macedo, R Reisezein, A Cardoso
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 26 (26), 2004
Artificial surprise
L Macedo, A Cardoso, R Reisenzein, E Lorini, C Castelfranchi
Handbook of research on synthetic emotions and sociable robotics: New …, 2009
It is not only memory: Effects of sensecam on improving well-being in patients with mild alzheimer disease
AR Silva, MS Pinho, L Macedo, C Moulin, S Caldeira, H Firmino
International psychogeriatrics 29 (5), 741-754, 2017
Exploration of unknown environments with motivational agents
L Macedo, A Cardoso
Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents …, 2004
Creativity and surprise
L Macedo, A Cardoso
Proceedings of the AISB 1, 84-92, 2001
Emotion-based recommender system for overcoming the problem of information overload
H Costa, L Macedo
Highlights on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems …, 2013
ISABELA–a socially-aware human-in-the-loop advisor system
J Fernandes, D Raposo, N Armando, S Sinche, JS Silva, A Rodrigues, ...
Online Social Networks and Media 16, 100060, 2020
Assessing creativity: the importance of unexpected novelty
L Macedo, A Cardoso
Structure 1 (C2), C3, 2002
Composing music with case-based reasoning
FC Pereira, CFA Grilo, L Macedo, FAB Cardoso
International Conference on Computational Models of Creative Cognition, 1997
Context and intention-awareness in pois recommender systems
H Costa, B Furtado, D Pires, L Macedo, A Cardoso
6th acm conf. on recommender systems, 4th workshop on context-aware …, 2012
The cognitive effects of wearable cameras in Mild Alzheimer disease–An experimental study
AR Silva, MS Pinho, L Macedo, CJA Moulin
Current Alzheimer Research 14 (12), 1270-1282, 2017
Application of clustering-based decision tree approach in SQL query error database
A Lino, Á Rocha, L Macedo, A Sizo
Future generation computer systems 93, 392-406, 2019
Sc-eune-surprise/curiosity-based exploration of uncertain and unknown environments
L Macedo, A Cardoso
Proceedings of the AISB'01 Symposium on Emotion, Cognition and Affective …, 2001
Nested graph-structured representations for cases
L Macedo, A Cardoso
European Workshop on Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, 1-12, 1998
The exploration of unknown environments populated with entities by a surprise–curiosity-based agent
L Macedo, A Cardoso
Cognitive Systems Research 19, 62-87, 2012
The role of surprise, curiosity and hunger on exploration of unknown environments populated with entities
L Macedo, A Cardoso
2005 portuguese conference on artificial intelligence, 47-53, 2005
Mnemonic anosognosia in Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a failure to transfer online evaluations of performance: Evidence from memory training programs
AR Silva, MS Pinho, L Macedo, C Souchay, C Moulin
Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology 39 (5), 419-433, 2017
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