Kanimozhi Narkeesh
Kanimozhi Narkeesh
professor and principal, Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
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Outcome measures used in patient with knee osteoarthritis: With special importance on functional outcome measures
AJ Samuel, D Kanimozhi
International journal of health sciences 13 (1), 52, 2019
The effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative treatment in an abnormal uterine bleeding related pain and health related quality of life (HR-QoL)–A case report
K Goyal, M Goyal, K Narkeesh, AJ Samuel, S Sharma, S Chatterjee, ...
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 21 (3), 569-573, 2017
Reaction time norms as measured by ruler drop method in school-going South Asian children: A cross-sectional study
VP Aranha, S Saxena, M Moitra, K Narkeesh, N Arumugam, AJ Samuel
Homo 68 (1), 63-68, 2017
Feasibility online survey to estimate physical activity level among the students studying professional courses: a cross-sectional online survey
B Sudha, AJ Samuel, K Narkeesh
Journal of exercise rehabilitation 14 (1), 58, 2018
Correct the smile of a child by neuromuscular facilitation technique: An interesting case report
VP Aranha, AJ Samuel, K Narkeesh
International Journal of Health Sciences 11 (2), 83, 2017
Pain, range of motion and back strength in chronic mechanical low back pain before & after lumbar mobilisation
Y Verma, MN Goyal, D Narkeesh
Int J Physioth Res 3, 48-57, 2013
Single breath count: A simple pulmonary function test using a mobile app
A Kumari, S Malik, K Narkeesh, AJ Samuel
Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 33, 369-370, 2017
Effect of neural mobilization on monosynaptic reflex: a pre test post test experimental design
V Kumar, M Goyal, N Rajendran, D Narkeesh
Int J Physiother Res 3 (3), 58-62, 2013
Efficacy of myofascial unwinding and myofascial release technique in a patient with somatic symptoms-a case report
M Goyal, K Goyal, M Bathla, D Kanimozhi, D Narkeesh
Indian journal of psychological medicine 39 (2), 199-201, 2017
Motor cognitive processing speed estimation among the primary schoolchildren by deriving prediction formula: A cross-sectional study
VP Aranha, M Moitra, S Saxena, K Narkeesh, N Arumugam, AJ Samuel
Journal of neurosciences in rural practice 8 (1), 79, 2017
Multi-directional reach test in South Asian children: Normative reference scores from 5 year to 12 years old
K Sharma, AJ Samuel, D Midha, VP Aranha, K Narkeesh, N Arumugam
Homo 69 (1-2), 62-69, 2018
Osteopathic manipulative treatment for post mastectomy lymphedema: a case report
M Goyal, K Goyal, K Narkeesh, AJ Samuel, N Arumugam
International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 26, 49-52, 2017
Efficacy of osteopathic manipulative treatment approach in the patient with pulmonary fibrosis in critical care outpatient department
M Goyal, K Goyal, K Narkeesh, AJ Samuel, N Arumugam, S Chatterjee, ...
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine: Peer-reviewed, Official …, 2017
The strain–Counter strain technique in the management of anterior interosseous nerve syndrome: A case report
M Goyal, K Goyal, K Narkeesh, AJ Samuel, S Sharma, S Chatterjee
Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences 12 (1), 70-74, 2017
Non-pharmacological therapies for primary open angle glaucoma: A quasi-experimental pilot study
R Pandey, AJ Samuel, VP Aranha, A Pandey, K Narkeesh
Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology 31 (2), 95-98, 2017
Physiotherapy Management Improves Functional Recovery in Acquired Dyke-Davidoff Masson syndrome
M Deshmukh, Y Verma, K Narkeesh, N Arumugam
Int J Physiother Res 5 (3), 2108-12, 2017
Early Therapeutic intervention for Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy in Late Adolescence–A Case Report
S Gambhir, N Arumugam, D Kanimozhi
Health Sciences 5 (10), 182-186, 2016
High alert! Alarming rise in the Prevalence of cardiovascular risk events among the students of medical profession in India
V Hans, AJ Samuel, S Yadav, DAP Ebenezer, N Kumar, K Narkeesh
Indian heart journal 69 (4), 526-527, 2017
Efficacy of myofascial release in fibromyalgia
M Thakur, A Narkeesh, D Kanimozhi
Journal of Exercise Science and Physiotherapy 9 (1), 11-16, 2013
Corrigendum to “Osteopathic manipulative treatment for post mastectomy lymphedema: A case report”[Int. J. Osteopath. Med. 26 (2017) 49–52]
M Goyal, K Goyal, K Narkeesh, AJ Samuel, N Arumugam
International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 30, 44, 2018
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