Eigenvector dimension reduction (EDR) method for sensitivity-free probability analysis BD Youn, Z Xi, P Wang Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 37 (1), 13-28, 2008 | 246* | 2008 |
Bayesian reliability analysis with evolving, insufficient, and subjective data sets P Wang, BD Youn, Z Xi, A Kloess Journal of Mechanical Design 131 (11), 111008, 2009 | 108 | 2009 |
A hierarchical framework for statistical model calibration in engineering product development BD Youn, BC Jung, Z Xi, SB Kim, WR Lee Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (13-16), 1421-1431, 2011 | 104 | 2011 |
Reliability-based robust design optimization using the eigenvector dimension reduction (EDR) method BD Youn, Z Xi Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 37 (5), 475-492, 2009 | 97 | 2009 |
A copula-based sampling method for data-driven prognostics Z Xi, R Jing, P Wang, C Hu Reliability Engineering & System Safety 132, 72-82, 2014 | 73 | 2014 |
Learning of Battery Model Bias for Effective State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-ion Batteries Z Xi, M Dahmardeh, B Xia, Y Fu, C Mi IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019 | 70 | 2019 |
A Unified Framework for Evaluating Supply Chain Reliability and Resilience X Chen, Z Xi, P Jing IEEE Transactions on Reliability 66 (4), 1144-1156, 2017 | 70 | 2017 |
Accurate and reliable state of charge estimation of lithium ion batteries using time-delayed recurrent neural networks through the identification of overexcited neurons Z Xi, R Wang, Y Fu, C Mi Applied Energy 305, 117962, 2022 | 65 | 2022 |
A comparative study of probability estimation methods for reliability analysis Z Xi, C Hu, BD Youn Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 45 (1), 33-52, 2012 | 65 | 2012 |
Calibration and validation framework for selective laser melting process based on multi-fidelity models and limited experiment data A Olleak, Z Xi Journal of Mechanical Design 142 (8), 081701, 2020 | 52 | 2020 |
Model-Based Reliability Analysis With Both Model Uncertainty and Parameter Uncertainty Z Xi Journal of Mechanical Design 141 (5), 051404, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
A Bayesian inference based model interpolation and extrapolation Z Zhan, Y Fu, RJ Yang, Z Xi, L Shi SAE International journal of materials and manufacturing 5 (2), 357-364, 2012 | 39 | 2012 |
Enhanced dimension-reduction (edr) method for sensitivity-free uncertainty quantification B Youn, Z Xi, L Wells, P Wang 11th AIAA/ISSMO multidisciplinary analysis and optimization conference, 6977, 2006 | 36 | 2006 |
Model uncertainty approximation using a copula-based approach for reliability based design optimization H Pan, Z Xi, RJ Yang Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 1-14, 2016 | 30 | 2016 |
Engineering recoverability: A new indicator of design for engineering resilience J Li, Z Xi ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and …, 2014 | 28 | 2014 |
Model bias characterization in the design space under uncertainty Z Xi, Y Fu, RENJYE YANG International Journal of Performability Engineering 9 (4), 433, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
A copula-based sampling method for data-driven prognostics and health management Z Xi, R Jing, P Wang, C Hu 2013 IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (PHM), 1-10, 2013 | 24 | 2013 |
A copula-based sampling method for data-driven prognostics and health management Z Xi, R Jing, P Wang, C Hu Prognostics and Health Management (PHM), 2013 IEEE Conference on, 1-10, 2013 | 24 | 2013 |
Efficient lpbf process simulation using finite element modeling with adaptive remeshing for distortions and residual stresses prediction A Olleak, Z Xi Manufacturing Letters 24, 140-144, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Simulation of Layer-by-Layer Selective Laser Melting Process with an Efficient Remeshing Technique A Olleak, Z Xi Procedia Manufacturing 34, 613-618, 2019 | 22 | 2019 |