Mingwei Li
Mingwei Li
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University
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Air quality co-benefits of carbon pricing in China
M Li, D Zhang, CT Li, KM Mulvaney, NE Selin, VJ Karplus
Nature Climate Change 8 (5), 398-403, 2018
Alternative-energy-vehicles deployment delivers climate, air quality, and health co-benefits when coupled with decarbonizing power generation in China
L Peng, F Liu, M Zhou, M Li, Q Zhang, DL Mauzerall
One Earth 4 (8), 1127-1140, 2021
Co-benefits of China’s climate policy for air quality and human health in China and transboundary regions in 2030
M Li, D Zhang, CT Li, NE Selin, V Karplus
Environmental Research Letters 14 (8), 084006, 2019
Strong dependence of US summertime air quality on the decadal variability of Atlantic sea surface temperatures
L Shen, LJ Mickley, EM Leibensperger, M Li
Geophysical research letters 44 (24), 12,527-12,535, 2017
Accelerating carbon uptake in the Northern Hemisphere: evidence from the interhemispheric difference of atmospheric CO2 concentrations
Y Wang, M Li, L Shen
Tellus B 65, 20334, 2013
Carbon mitigation and environmental co-benefits of a clean energy transition in China’s industrial parks
Y Guo, M Zhou, L Peng, J Yang, M Li, J Tian, L Chen, DL Mauzerall
Environmental Science & Technology 57 (16), 6494-6505, 2023
Effects of a remotely sensed land cover dataset with high spatial resolution on the simulation of secondary air pollutants over china using the nested-grid GEOS-chem chemical …
M Li, Y Wang, W Ju
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 31 (1), 179-187, 2014
Author correction: air quality co-benefits of carbon pricing in China
M Li, D Zhang, CT Li, KM Mulvaney, NE Selin, VJ Karplus
Nature Climate Change 8 (8), 750-750, 2018
Alternative Energy Vehicle Deployment Delivers Climate, Air Quality and Health Co-benefits when Coupled with Decarbonizing Power Generation in China
L Peng, F Liu, M Zhou, M Li, Q Zhang, D Mauzerall
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, GC13C-01, 2021
Impacts of emission policies in China on air pollution and human health
M Li
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019
Effects of China's Energy Policy on Future Air Quality in China and the US
M Li, NE Selin, VJ Karplus, CT Li, D Zhang, X Luo, X Zhang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, A24A-08, 2014
Machine learning approaches reveal highly heterogeneous air quality co-benefits of the energy transition
D Zhang, Q Wang, S Song, S Chen, M Li, L Shen, S Zheng, B Cai, ...
Iscience 26 (9), 2023
Decarbonizing the Global Light-duty Vehicle and Power Sectors: Benefits for CO2 emissions, Air Quality and Human Health
M Li, S Smith, Z Klimont, L Peng, L Shen, D Mauzerall
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, GC23B-04, 2021
Alternative energy vehicle deployment coupled with decarbonizing electricity generation amplifies climate, air quality and health co-benefits in China
L Peng, F Liu, M Zhou, M Li, Q Zhang, DL Mauzerall
Princeton University, 2021
Estimating air quality co-benefits of energy transition using machine learning
D Zhang, Q Wang, S Song, S Chen, M Li, L Shen, S Zheng, B Cai, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.14318, 2021
Climate, air quality and human health co-benefits of alternative energy vehicle deployment in China in 2050
L Peng, DL Mauzerall, F Liu, M Zhou, M Li
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, A178-0021, 2020
Hydroxymethane sulfonate as a possible explanation for observed high levels of particulate sulfur during severe winter haze episodes in Beijing, China.
J Moch, D Jacob, LJ Mickley, Y Cheng, M Li, JW Munger, Y Wang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, A53B-2230, 2017
Comparing climate policy co-benefits in the United States and China
NE Selin, M Li, R Saari, D Zhang, VJ Karplus, CT Li, TM Thompson, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, A31J-02, 2016
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