Tim Vestner
Tim Vestner
Senior Lecturer, Leeds Trinity University
在 leedstrinity.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Bound together: Social binding leads to faster processing, spatial distortion, and enhanced memory of interacting partners.
T Vestner, SP Tipper, T Hartley, H Over, SA Rueschemeyer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (7), 1251, 2019
Why are social interactions found quickly in visual search tasks?
T Vestner, KLH Gray, R Cook
Cognition 200, 104270, 2020
Objects that direct visuospatial attention produce the search advantage for facing dyads.
T Vestner, H Over, KLH Gray, R Cook
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 151 (1), 161, 2022
Visual search for facing and non-facing people: The effect of actor inversion
T Vestner, KLH Gray, R Cook
Cognition 208, 104550, 2021
The Twenty Item Prosopagnosia Index (PI20) provides meaningful evidence of face recognition impairment
M Tsantani, T Vestner, R Cook
Royal Society Open Science 8 (11), 202062, 2021
Are the facial gender and facial age variants of the composite face illusion products of a common mechanism?
KLH Gray, Y Guillemin, Z Cenac, S Gibbons, T Vestner, R Cook
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 27 (1), 62-69, 2020
Life partners’ perceptions of the emotional, speech disruptive, and attitudinal correlates of stuttering
A Svenning, R Panzarino, M Vanryckeghem, T Vestner
Journal of Fluency Disorders 67, 105821, 2021
The self-consistency effect seen on the Dot Perspective Task is a product of domain-general attention cueing, not automatic perspective taking
T Vestner, E Balsys, H Over, R Cook
Cognition 224, 105056, 2022
Searching for people: non-facing distractor pairs hinder the visual search of social scenes more than facing distractor pairs
T Vestner, H Over, KLH Gray, SP Tipper, R Cook
Cognition 214, 104737, 2021
Remembered together: Social interaction facilitates retrieval while reducing individuation of features within bound representations
T Vestner, JC Flavell, R Cook, SP Tipper
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (9), 1593-1602, 2022
Motion fluency and object preference: Robust perceptual but fragile memory effects.
JC Flavell, B McKean, SP Tipper, AJ Kirkham, T Vestner, H Over
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 45 (9), 1569, 2019
Sensitivity to orientation is not unique to social attention cueing
T Vestner, KLH Gray, R Cook
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 1-9, 2022
Rapid detection of social interactions is the result of domain general attentional processes
JC Flavell, H Over, T Vestner, R Cook, SP Tipper
PLOS ONE 17 (1), e0258832, 2022
Contextual modulation of appearance-trait learning
H Over, R Lee, J Flavell, T Vestner, R Cook
Cognition 230, 105288, 2023
Autistic adults exhibit a typical search advantage for facing dyads
T Vestner, BK Gehdu, K Gray, R Cook
Social Phobia and Affective, Behavioral and Cognitive Experiences of Stuttering
R Panzarino, M Vanryckeghem, T Vestner
World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering, 2024
The relationship between speaking-related and social anxiety in adults who stutter
R Panzarino, M Vanryckeghem, T Vestner
2022 ASHA Convention, 2022
Typical visual processing of Navon-style compound letters and compound arrows in developmental prosopagnosia
M Tsantani, T Vestner, R Cook
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2665-2665, 2021
Directional Cueing Explains Search Time Advantage for Interacting Dyads
T Vestner, K Gray, R Cook
Journal of Vision 20 (11), 1158-1158, 2020
Social Binding: Processing of Social Interactions in Visual Search, Working Memory and Longer-Term Memory.
T Vestner
University of York, 2018
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