Danube IGB
Danube IGB
Інститут гідробіології НАН України
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Trends of aquatic alien species invasions in Ukraine
B Alexandrov, A Boltachev, T Kharchenko, A Lyashenko, M Son, ...
Aquatic invasions 2 (3), 215-242, 2007
Оценка состояния водных объектов Украины по гидробиологическим показателям. Бентос, перифитон и зоофитос
ОП Оксиюк, ЛН Зимбалевская, АА Протасов, ЮВ Плигин, АВ Ляшенко
Гидробиол. журн 30 (4), 31-35, 1994
Concentration and distribution of hydrophobic organic contaminants and metals in the estuaries of Ukraine
RM Burgess, AV Terletskaya, MV Milyukin, M Povolotskii, VY Demchenko, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 58 (8), 1103-1115, 2009
Методи гідроекологічних досліджень поверхневих вод
ОМ Арсан, ОА Давидов, ТМ Дьяченко, МЮ Евтушенко, ВМ Жукинський, ...
За ред. В. Д Романенка.–НАНУ: Ін-т гідробіології.–К: Логос, 156-180, 2006
Дунайський біосферний заповідник. Рослинний світ
ДВ Дубина, ЮР Шеляг-Сосонко, ОІ Жмуд, МЄ Жмуд, ТВ Дворецький, ...
К.: Фітосоціоцентр, 2003
Biological indication of ecological status of the water bodies within Kiev city boundaries
VD Romanenko, AV Liashenko, SA Afanasyev, YY Zorina-Sakharova
Hydrobiological Journal 46 (4), 2010
Продромус рослинностi Украïни
ДВ Дубина, ТП Дзюба, СМ Емельянова, НО Багрiкова, ОВ Борисова, ...
Науково-виробниче підприємство" Видавництво" Наукова думка" НАН України", 2019
Adventive species and changes in the area of distribution of aboriginal hydrobionts in surface water bodies of Ukraine. Report I. Aquatic invertebrates
VN Zhukinskiy, TA Kharchenko, AV Liashenko
Hydrobiological Journal 43 (2), 2007
Methods of hydroecological research of surface waters
OM Arsan, OA Davydov, TM Dyachenko, MY Yevtushenko, VM Zhukinsky, ...
Kiev: Logos, 2006
Техно-екосистема АЕС. Гидробиология, абиотические факторы, экологиеские оценки
АА Протасов, ВП Семенченко, АА Силаева, ВМ Тимченко, ...
Под. ред. АА Протасов, 2011
Contaminants, mutagenicity and toxicity in the surface waters of Kyiv, Ukraine
KT Ho, IM Konovets, AV Terletskaya, MV Milyukin, AV Lyashenko, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 155, 111153, 2020
Distribution, magnitude and characterization of the toxicity of Ukrainian estuarine sediments
RM Burgess, IM Konovets, LS Kipnis, AV Lyashenko, VA Grintsov, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 62 (11), 2442-2462, 2011
The ecological consortia of bivalve mollusks in littoral zones of a flatland reservoir, as a structural and functional community of hydrobionts
TA Kharchenko, YY Zorina-Sakharova
Hydrobiological Journal 38 (1), 2002
Exotic benthic invertebrates in the water bodies of the lower reaches of the Danube
AV Lyashenko, OO Sinitzina, EV Voloshkevich
Hydrobiologicheskij Zhurnal 41 (4), 58-69, 2005
Effects of salinity on the zooplankton communities in the Fore-Delta of Kyliya Branch of the Danube River
K Zorina-Sakharova, A Liashenko, I Marchenko
Acta zool. bulg 7, 129-133, 2014
Pressures and impacts on ecological status of surface water bodies in Ukrainian part of the Danube River basin
S Afanasyev, A Lyashenko, A Iarochevitch, O Lietytska, ...
Human impact on danube watershed biodiversity in the XXI Century, 327-358, 2020
Biodiversity of aquatic cenoses and water quality in the lower reaches of the Danube river within the territory of Ukraine
TA Kharchenko, AV Lyashenko, IK Bashmakova
Gidrobiol. Zhurn 34 (6), 45-65, 1998
Biological indication of the water quality of the Kiliya Danube delta by aquatic invertebrates' fauna
AV Lyashenko, YY Zorina-Sakharova
Hydrobiological Journal 48 (6), 2012
Macroinvertebrates of the marine edge and fore-delta of the Kiliya Branch of the Danube River delta
AV Lyashenko, YY Zorina-Sakharova
Hydrobiological Journal 51 (2), 2015
Structural and functional characteristics of macrozoobenthos and fish productivity of the Sasyk Reservoir
AV Lyashenko, EE Zorina-Sakharova, VV Makovskiy
Fishery science of Ukraine 2, 60-66, 2010
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