Michéle Dal Toé Casagrande
Plate load test on fiber-reinforced soil
NC Consoli, MDT Casagrande, PDM Prietto, A Thomé
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 129 (10), 951-955, 2003
Performance of a fibre-reinforced sand at large shear strains
NC Consoli, MDT Casagrande, MR Coop
Géotechnique 57 (9), 751-756, 2007
Effect of fiber reinforcement on the isotropic compression behavior of a sand
NC Consoli, MD Casagrande, MR Coop
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 131 (11), 1434-1436, 2005
Shear strength behavior of fiber-reinforced sand considering triaxial tests under distinct stress paths
NC Consoli, KS Heineck, MDT Casagrande, MR Coop
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 133 (11), 1466-1469, 2007
Behavior of a fiber-reinforced bentonite at large shear displacements
MD Toé Casagrande, MR Coop, NC Consoli
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 132 (11), 1505-1508, 2006
Effect of relative density on plate loading tests on fibre-reinforced sand
NC Consoli, MDT Casagrande, A Thomé, F Dalla Rosa, M Fahey
Géotechnique 59 (5), 471-476, 2009
Behavior of natural fiber in stone matrix asphalt mixtures using two design methods
AC Vale, MDT Casagrande, JB Soares
Journal of materials in civil engineering 26 (3), 457-465, 2014
Comportamento de solos reforçados com fibras submetidos a grandes deformações
MDT Casagrande
Applicability of municipal solid waste incineration ash on base layers of pavements
GOC Vizcarra, MDT Casagrande, LMG da Motta
Journal of materials in civil engineering 26 (6), 06014005, 2014
Behavior of clayey soil reinforced with polyethylene terephthalate
NSL Louzada, JAC Malko, MDT Casagrande
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 31 (10), 04019218, 2019
Estudo do comportamento de um solo reforçado com fibras de polipropileno visando o uso como base de fundações superficiais
MDT Casagrande
Applicability of the expanded polystyrene as a soil improvement tool
MV Silveira, AV Calheiros, MDT Casagrande
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (6), 06018006, 2018
Análise do comportamento mecânico e ambiental de misturas solo-cinzas de carvão mineral para camadas de base de pavimentos
LSE Lopes
Master, Civil Engeneering Department PUC-Rio, 2011
Aplicabilidade de cinzas de resíduo sólido urbano para base de pavimentos
GOC Vizcarra
Engenharia Civil. PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, 2010
Estudo do comportamento de um solo residual areno-siltoso reforçado com fibras de polipropileno
MDT Casagrande, NC Consoli
Solos e Rochas: Revista Latino-Americana de Geotecnia 25 (3), 223-230, 2002
Estudo laboratorial da viabilidade do uso de fibras de coco em misturas asfálticas do tipo SMA
AC Vale
The feasibility of recycled micro polyethylene terephthalate (PET) replacing natural sand in hot-mix asphalt
JW dos Santos Ferreira, JFR Marroquin, JF Felix, MM Farias, ...
Construction and Building Materials 330, 127276, 2022
Behavior of granular rubber waste tire reinforced soil for application in geosynthetic reinforced soil wall
GGD Ramirez, MDT Casagrande, D Folle, A Pereira, VA Paulon
Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais 8 (4), 567-576, 2015
The performance of a sand reinforced with coconut fibers through plate load tests on a true scale physical model
JMG Sotomayor, MDT Casagrande
Soils Rocks 41 (3), 361-368, 2018
Swelling behavior evaluation of a lime-treated expansive soil through centrifuge test
IMRM Belchior, MDT Casagrande, JG Zornberg
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 29 (12), 04017240, 2017
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