Hongjoon Ahn
Hongjoon Ahn
在 snu.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Uncertainty-based continual learning with adaptive regularization
H Ahn, S Cha, D Lee, T Moon
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Ss-il: Separated softmax for incremental learning
H Ahn, J Kwak, S Lim, H Bang, H Kim, T Moon
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International conference on computer vision, 844-853, 2021
Continual learning with node-importance based adaptive group sparse regularization
S Jung, H Ahn, S Cha, T Moon
Advances in neural information processing systems 33, 3647-3658, 2020
Descent steps of a relation-aware energy produce heterogeneous graph neural networks
H Ahn, Y Yang, Q Gan, T Moon, DP Wipf
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 38436-38448, 2022
Prediction model for random variation in FinFET induced by line-edge-roughness (LER)
J Lee, T Park, H Ahn, J Kwak, T Moon, C Shin
Electronics 10 (4), 455, 2021
Adaptive group sparse regularization for continual learning
S Jung, H Ahn, S Cha, T Moon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.13726, 2020
Hyeonsu Bang, Hyojun Kim, and Taesup Moon
H Ahn, J Kwak, S Lim
SS-IL: Separated softmax for incremental learning, 2020
GAN-Based Framework for Unified Estimation of Process-Induced Random Variation in FinFET
T Park, J Kwak, H Ahn, J Lee, J Lim, S Yu, C Shin, T Moon
IEEE Access 10, 130001-130023, 2022
Iterative channel estimation for discrete denoising under channel uncertainty
H Ahn, T Moon
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 91-100, 2020
Listwise Reward Estimation for Offline Preference-based Reinforcement Learning
H Choi, S Jung, H Ahn, T Moon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.04190, 2024
Reset & Distill: A Recipe for Overcoming Negative Transfer in Continual Reinforcement Learning
H Ahn, J Hyeon, Y Oh, B Hwang, T Moon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.05066, 2024
Prediction Model for Random Variation in FinFET Induced by Line-Edge-Roughness (LER). Electronics 2021, 10, 455
J Lee, T Park, H Ahn, J Kwak, T Moon, C Shin
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2021
Neural network based robust binary sequence denoising using iterative channel estimation
H Ahn, T Moon
대한전자공학회 학술대회, 1119-1122, 2018
Catastrophic Negative Transfer: An Overlooked Problem in Continual Reinforcement Learning
H Ahn, J Hyeon, Y Oh, B Hwang, T Moon
Supplementary Materials for Continual Learning with Node-Importance based Adaptive Group Sparse Regularization
S Jung, H Ahn, S Cha, T Moon
Supplementary Materials for Descent Steps of a Relation-Aware Energy Produce Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks
H Ahn, Y Yang, Q Gan, T Moon, D Wipf
Supplementary Materials for SS-IL: Separated Softmax for Incremental Learning
H Ahn, J Kwak, S Lim, H Bang, H Kim, T Moon
文章 1–17