Ekonomia sektora publicznego JE Stiglitz, R Rapacki, B Czarny, PD Graca-Gelert, P Maszczyk, ... Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2015 | 1322 | 2015 |
Ekonomia: makroekonomia DKH Begg, S Fischer, R Dornbusch, R Rapacki, B Czarny PWE, 1993 | 625 | 1993 |
Podstawy ekonomii B Czarny, R Rapacki, i inni PWE, 2000 | 197* | 2000 |
The EU enlargement and economic growth in the CEE new member countries R Rapacki, M Prochniak European Economy-Economic Papers, 2009 | 134 | 2009 |
Real beta and sigma convergence in 27 transition countries, 1990–2005 R Rapacki, M Próchniak Post-Communist Economies 21 (3), 307-326, 2009 | 114 | 2009 |
Diversity of Patchwork Capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe R Rapacki Routledge, 2019 | 66 | 2019 |
Real income convergence between Central Eastern and Western Europe: Past, present, and prospects Z Matkowski, M Prochniak, R Rapacki Copenhagen: Centre for International Research on Economic Tendency Surveys, 2016 | 65 | 2016 |
Konwergencja beta i sigma w krajach postsocjalistycznych w latach 1990-2005 R Rapacki, M Prochniak Bank i Kredyt, 2007 | 65* | 2007 |
Poland into the 1990s. Economy and Society in Transition G Blazyca, R Rapacki Pinter Publishers London, 1991 | 56 | 1991 |
EU membership and economic growth: empirical evidence for the CEE countries R Rapacki, M Prochniak The European journal of comparative economics 16 (1), 3-40, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
Wzrost gospodarczy w krajach transformacji: konwergencja czy dywergencja? R Rapacki Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, 2009 | 49* | 2009 |
Możliwości przyspieszenia wzrostu gospodarczego w Polsce R Rapacki Ekonomista, 469-493, 2002 | 45 | 2002 |
Poland into the new millennium G Blazyca, R Rapacki Edward Elgar Publishing, 2001 | 43* | 2001 |
Wpływ członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej na wzrost gospodarczy i realną konwergencję krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej R Rapacki, M Próchniak Ekonomia 39, 87-122, 2014 | 38* | 2014 |
Privatization in Poland: Performance, problems and prospects R Rapacki Comparative Economic Studies 37, 57-76, 1995 | 37* | 1995 |
Emerging varieties of post-communist capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe: where do we stand? R Rapacki, J Gardawski, A Czerniak, B Horbaczewska, A Karbowski, ... Europe-Asia Studies 72 (4), 565-592, 2020 | 35 | 2020 |
Continuity and change in Polish economic policy: the impact of the 1993 election G Blazyca, R Rapacki Europe-Asia Studies 48 (1), 85-100, 1996 | 35 | 1996 |
The Emerging Models of Capitalism in CEE11 Countries - a Tentative Comparison with Western Europe M Próchniak, R Rapacki, J Gardawski, A Czerniak Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology 14 (7:2), 7-70, 2016 | 34 | 2016 |
Economic growth accounting in twenty-seven transition countries, 1990-2003 R Rapacki, M Prochniak Eastern European Economics 47 (2), 69-112, 2009 | 34 | 2009 |
Nowe i stare kraje Unii Europejskiej: konwergencja czy dywergencja? R Rapacki, Z Matkowski, M Próchniak Badania koniunktury - zwierciadło gospodarki, część II, praca zbiorowa pod …, 2013 | 33* | 2013 |