Pixel difference networks for efficient edge detection
Z Su, W Liu, Z Yu, D Hu, Q Liao, Q Tian, M Pietikäinen, L Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
An integrated multi-task model for fake news detection
Q Liao, H Chai, H Han, X Zhang, X Wang, W Xia, Y Ding
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 34 (11), 5154-5165, 2021
One pass late fusion multi-view clustering
X Liu, L Liu, Q Liao, S Wang, Y Zhang, W Tu, C Tang, J Liu, E Zhu
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Multi-task deep convolutional neural network for cancer diagnosis
Q Liao, Y Ding, ZL Jiang, X Wang, C Zhang, Q Zhang
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DP-FL: a novel differentially private federated learning framework for the unbalanced data
X Huang, Y Ding, ZL Jiang, S Qi, X Wang, Q Liao
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Optimal neighborhood multiple kernel clustering with adaptive local kernels
J Liu, X Liu, J Xiong, Q Liao, S Zhou, S Wang, Y Yang
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FraudTrip: Taxi fraudulent trip detection from corresponding trajectories
Y Ding, W Zhang, X Zhou, Q Liao, Q Luo, LM Ni
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A comprehensive review and evaluation of computational methods for identifying protein complexes from protein–protein interaction networks
Z Wu, Q Liao, B Liu
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Nucleation and growth of monodispersed cobalt nanoclusters on graphene moiré on Ru (0001)
Q Liao, HJ Zhang, K Wu, HY Li, SN Bao, P He
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iLncRNAdis-FB: identify lncRNA-disease associations by fusing biological feature blocks through deep neural network
H Wei, Q Liao, B Liu
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Joint clustering and discriminative feature alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation
W Deng, Q Liao, L Zhao, D Guo, G Kuang, D Hu, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30, 7842-7855, 2021
Multi-depth graph convolutional networks for fake news detection
G Hu, Y Ding, S Qi, X Wang, Q Liao
Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing: 8th CCF International …, 2019
COD: A cooperative cell outage detection architecture for self-organizing femtocell networks
W Wang, Q Liao, Q Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (11), 6007-6014, 2014
Informative feature disentanglement for unsupervised domain adaptation
W Deng, L Zhao, Q Liao, D Guo, G Kuang, D Hu, M Pietikäinen, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 24, 2407-2421, 2021
Communication-efficient federated edge learning via optimal probabilistic device scheduling
M Zhang, G Zhu, S Wang, J Jiang, Q Liao, C Zhong, S Cui
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (10), 8536-8551, 2022
File fragment classification using grayscale image conversion and deep learning in digital forensics
Q Chen, Q Liao, ZL Jiang, J Fang, S Yiu, G Xi, R Li, Z Yi, X Wang, LCK Hui, ...
2018 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 140-147, 2018
Calibrated one-class classification for unsupervised time series anomaly detection
H Xu, Y Wang, S Jian, Q Liao, Y Wang, G Pang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2024
Local coordinate based graph-regularized NMF for image representation
Q Liao, Q Zhang
Signal processing 124, 103-114, 2016
Comprehensive study on complex-valued ZNN models activated by novel nonlinear functions for dynamic complex linear equations
J Dai, Y Li, L Xiao, L Jia, Q Liao, J Li
Information Sciences 561, 101-114, 2021
SMI-BLAST: a novel supervised search framework based on PSI-BLAST for protein remote homology detection
X Jin, Q Liao, H Wei, J Zhang, B Liu
Bioinformatics 37 (7), 913-920, 2021
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