marianne de wolff
marianne de wolff
在 tno.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Sensitivity and attachment: A meta‐analysis on parental antecedents of infant attachment
MS De Wolff, MH Van Ijzendoorn
Child development 68 (4), 571-591, 1997
In search of the absent father—Meta‐analyses of infant‐father attachment: A rejoinder to our discussants
MH Van IJzendoorn, MS De Wolff
Child development 68 (4), 604-609, 1997
Effectiveness of the Triple P Positive Parenting Program on behavioral problems in children: A meta-analysis
I De Graaf, P Speetjens, F Smit, M de Wolff, L Tavecchio
Behavior modification 32 (5), 714-735, 2008
Effectiveness of the Triple P Positive Parenting Program on parenting: A meta‐analysis
I De Graaf, P Speetjens, F Smit, M De Wolff, L Tavecchio
Family Relations 57 (5), 553-566, 2008
Parent training programs for ethnic minorities: A meta-analysis of adaptations and effect
K Van Mourik, MR Crone, MS De Wolff, R Reis
Prevention Science 18, 95-105, 2017
Characteristics of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire in preschool children
MHC Theunissen, AGC Vogels, MS de Wolff, SA Reijneveld
Pediatrics 131 (2), e446-e454, 2013
Effectiveness of the triple P positive parenting program on parenting: A meta-analysis
I Graaf, P Speetjens, F Smit, M Wolff, L Tavecchio
Family Relations, 5, 57, 553-566, 2008
The strengths and difficulties questionnaire self-report: a valid instrument for the identification of emotional and behavioral problems
MHC Theunissen, MS de Wolff, SA Reijneveld
Academic pediatrics 19 (4), 471-476, 2019
Three questionnaires to detect psychosocial problems in toddlers: A comparison of the BITSEA, ASQ: SE, and KIPPPI
MS de Wolff, MHC Theunissen, AGC Vogels, SA Reijneveld
Academic pediatrics 13 (6), 587-592, 2013
Effectiveness of the Triple P Positive Parenting Program on behavioral problems in children
I de Graaf, P Speetjens, F Smit, M de Wolff, L Tavecchio
Behavior Modification 32 (5), 714-735, 2008
Comparing three short questionnaires to detect psychosocial problems among 3 to 4-year olds
MHC Theunissen, AGC Vogels, MS de Wolff, MR Crone, SA Reijneveld
BMC pediatrics 15, 1-8, 2015
Psychometric properties of the Dutch strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) in adolescent community and clinical populations
J Vugteveen, A de Bildt, M Serra, MS de Wolff, ME Timmerman
Assessment 27 (7), 1476-1489, 2020
Handleiding voor het gebruik van de Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire binnen de Jeugdgezondheidszorg
MHC Theunissen, MS de Wolff, A van Grieken, C Mieloo
Leiden: TNO, 2016
Screening for mental health problems in a Norwegian preschool population. A validation of the ages and stages questionnaire: Social‐emotional (ASQ: SE)
K Stensen, F Stenseng, S Lydersen, MS de Wolff, J Wallander, MB Drugli
Child and Adolescent Mental Health 23 (4), 368-375, 2018
The empirical versus DSM-oriented approach of the child behavior checklist
MS de Wolff, AGC Vogels, SA Reijneveld
European journal of psychological assessment, 2014
Richtlijn Problematische gehechtheid voor jeugdhulp en jeugdbescherming
M Wolff, I Wildeman
NIP; NVO; BPSW, 2020
Vergelijking van de KIVPA en de SDQ als signaleringsinstrument voor problemen bij adolescenten in de Jeugdgezondheidszorg
AGC Vogels, BM Siebelink, MHC Theunissen, MS De Wolff, ...
Leiden: TNO, 2011
Moral atmosphere and moral behaviour: A study into the role of adolescents’ perception of moral atmosphere for antisocial behaviour
MS de Wolff, D Brugman
The development and structure of conscience, 147-162, 2009
Richtlijn opvoedingsondersteuning voor opvoedingsvragen en lichte opvoedproblemen in de jeugdgezondheidszorg en het Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin
B Prinsen, MP L’Hoir, M Ruiter, M Oudhof, M Kamphuis, MS de Wolff, ...
Nederland Centrum Jeugdgezondheid (NCJ); TNO, 2012
JGZ-richtlijn psychosociale problemen
MS De Wolff, MHC Theunissen, K Van Rooijen
JGZ Tijdschrift voor jeugdgezondheidszorg 49, 90-92, 2017
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