José Miguel Guzmán Palomino
José Miguel Guzmán Palomino
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Background levels and baseline values of available heavy metals in Mediterranean greenhouse soils (Spain)
JJ Ramos-Miras, L Roca-Perez, M Guzmán-Palomino, R Boluda, C Gil
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 110 (2), 186-192, 2011
Assessing soil contamination and temporal trends of heavy metal contents in greenhouses on semiarid land
C Gil, R Boluda, JA Rodríguez Martín, M Guzmán, F del Moral, ...
Land Degradation & Development 29 (10), 3344-3354, 2018
Active and total Fe in Castanea sativa and their relation to other nutrients
M Guzman, M Urrestarazu, L Romero
Journal of plant nutrition 9 (3-7), 909-921, 1986
Corrosion characteristics of copper‐based IUDs
S Benjamín Valdez, G Navor Rosas, B Mónica Carrillo, ...
Anti-corrosion methods and materials 50 (2), 129-135, 2003
Salinidad sódica en el desarrollo vegetativo y reproductivo del pimiento
JJ Muñoz-Ramos, M Guzmán, JZ Castellanos
Terra Latinoamericana 22 (2), 187-196, 2004
A daily rhythmic model for pH and volume from xylem sap of tomato plants
M Urrestarazu, A Sanchez, FA Lorente, M Guzman
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 27 (5-8), 1859-1874, 1996
Evaluación de diferentes parámetros en cultivo de perlita para distintas especies hortícolas en invernadero
M García, M Guzmán, M Urrestarazu, M Salas, I Escobar
Acta Hortic 18, 519-525, 1997
Iron index in horticultural crops
M Guzmán, M Urrestarazu, L Romero
Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants: “Proceedings of the Fifth …, 1991
Nutritional variations in Juglans regia L. during its annual cycle.
M Guzman, M Urrestarazu, L Romero
Protected crops in SPAIN: Technology of fertigation control
G Palomino, J Miguel
Proc. Agri-Leadership Summit, 2017
Effect of evolution in the increase the nutrient solution EC on quality parameters of tomato seedlings
M Urrestarazu, M Guzmán, A Sánchez, MC Salas, FA Lorente
VI International Symposium on Processing Tomato & Workshop on Irrigation …, 1998
A comparison of qualitative and quantitative productivity parameters between a sweet pepper crop growing on “enarenado almeriense” and on rockwool
M Urrestarazu, M Guzmán, A Sánchez, G Carrasco
International Symposium on Growing Media and Hydroponics 481, 63-70, 1997
Chronophysiological rhythm model for daily ionic variation of xylematic exudates in tomato plants
M Urrestarazu, A Sanchez, FA Lorente, M Guzmán
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 27 (5-8), 1843-1858, 1996
Index and equilibrium of Fe in plants of Juglans Regia L.
M Guzman, M Urrestarazu, L Romero
Journal of Plant Nutrition 7 (1-5), 117-124, 1984
Estudio nutricional del Quercus pyrenaica Willd. durante su periodo vegetativo.
M Guzmán, M Urrestarazu, L Romero
Phyton 46 (1), 51-60, 1986
Estudio del equilibrio nutricional en Nerium oleander L.
M Guzman, M Urrestarazu, L Romero
Anales de Edafologia y Agrobiologia 43, 1984
Ionic variations in xylem stream of tomato plants in relation to time of exudation
M Guzman, FA Lorente, A Sanchez, M Urrestarazu, MV Romero Gasco
I International Symposium on Solanacea for Fresh Market 412, 425-433, 1995
Influencia de la salinidad y la relación de calcio/potasio sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo del tomate cv. Raf.
WN Ortíz
Estrategias de mejora de la atención domiciliaria en Andalucía
F Javier, M Asencio, J Miguel
Servicio Andaluz de Salud. Junta de Andalucía, 2003
Preliminary studies on the influence of the nitrogen source in the nutrient solution on the quality of melon and watermelon seedlings in soilless culture.
M Giménez, M Guzmán, IG Garcia, A Sanchez, M Urrestarazu
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