Vincent Lemarteleur
Vincent Lemarteleur
Université de Paris
在 univ-paris-diderot.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
3D-printed face protective shield in interventional radiology: evaluation of an immediate solution in the era of COVID-19 pandemic
M Sapoval, AL Gaultier, C Del Giudice, O Pellerin, N Kassis-Chikhani, ...
Diagnostic and interventional imaging 101 (6), 413-415, 2020
3D-printed protected face shields for health care workers in Covid-19 pandemic
V Lemarteleur, V Fouquet, S Le Goff, L Tapie, P Morenton, A Benoit, ...
American Journal of Infection Control 49 (3), 389-391, 2021
Realization of open software chain for 3D modeling and printing of organs in simulation centers: Example of renal pelvis reconstruction
V Lemarteleur, M Peycelon, JL Sablayrolles, P Plaisance, A El-Ghoneimi, ...
Journal of Surgical Education 78 (1), 232-244, 2021
Simulation and professional development: added value of 3D modelization in reproductive endocrinology and infertility and assisted reproductive technologies teamwork
PF Ceccaldi, P Pirtea, V Lemarteleur, M Poulain, DD Ziegler, JM Ayoubi
Gynecological Endocrinology 35 (7), 559-563, 2019
Step-by-step development and evaluation of a 3D printed home-made low-cost pediatric tracheobronchial tree for foreign body aspiration extractions
E Chebib, V Lemarteleur, M Azalé, L Deneufbourg, PF Ceccaldi, ...
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 153, 111040, 2022
Trauma surgical simulation: discussing the replacement of live animals used as human patient simulators
C Swain, N Stathakarou, P Alzuguren, V Lemarteleur, R Moffatt, ...
Advances in Simulation 9 (1), 7, 2024
Apparatus For Simulating An Atonic Uterine Body
NH Larsen, P françois Ceccaldi, V Lemarteleur, A Benoit, SA Remini
US Patent App. 18/154,406, 2023
Impression 3D dans la simulation en santé-Enjeux en centre de simulation universitaire
V Lemarteleur, L Tapie, P Plaisance, PF Ceccaldi
Les Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 2021
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