Breffni Noone
Breffni Noone
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Social media meets hotel revenue management: Opportunities, issues and unanswered questions
BM Noone, KA McGuire, KV Rohlfs
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 10, 293-305, 2011
Integrating customer relationship management and revenue management: A hotel perspective
BM Noone, SE Kimes, LM Renaghan
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 2, 7-21, 2003
Hotel revenue management and the Internet: The effect of price presentation strategies on customers’ willingness to book
BM Noone, AS Mattila
International Journal of Hospitality Management 28 (2), 272-279, 2009
The effect of meal pace on customer satisfaction
BM Noone, SE Kimes, AS Mattila, J Wirtz
Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 48 (3), 231-244, 2007
Managing the long-term profit yield from market segments in a hotel environment: a case study on the implementation of customer profitability analysis
B Noone, P Griffin
International Journal of Hospitality Management 18 (2), 111-128, 1999
Effects of price and user-generated content on consumers’ prepurchase evaluations of variably priced services
BM Noone, KA McGuire
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 38 (4), 562-581, 2014
Perceived service encounter pace and customer satisfaction: An empirical study of restaurant experiences
BM Noone, SE Kimes, AS Mattila, J Wirtz
Journal of Service Management 20 (4), 380-403, 2009
Enhancing yield management with customer profitability analysis
B Noone, P Griffin
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 9 (2), 75-79, 1997
Hotel overbooking: The effect of overcompensation on customers’ reactions to denied service
BM Noone, CH Lee
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 35 (3), 334-357, 2011
How long should dinner take? Measuring expected meal duration for restaurant revenue management
SE Kimes, J Wirtz, BM Noone
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 1, 220-233, 2002
Pricing in a social world: The influence of non-price information on hotel choice
BM Noone, KA McGuire
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 12, 385-401, 2013
Consumer reaction to crowding for extended service encounters
BM Noone, AS Mattila
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 19 (1), 31-41, 2009
Overcompensating for severe service failure: Perceived fairness and effect on negative word‐of‐mouth intent
BM Noone
Journal of Services Marketing 26 (5), 342-351, 2012
Applying modern robotics technologies to demand prediction and production management in the quick-service restaurant sector
BM Noone, RC Coulter
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 53 (2), 122-133, 2012
Customer perceived control and the moderating effect of restaurant type on evaluations of restaurant employee performance
BM Noone
International Journal of Hospitality Management 27 (1), 23-29, 2008
Strategic price positioning for revenue management: The effects of relative price position and fluctuation on performance
BM Noone, L Canina, CA Enz
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 12, 207-220, 2013
The moderating effect of perceived spatial crowding on the relationship between perceived service encounter pace and customer satisfaction
M Song, BM Noone
International Journal of Hospitality Management 65, 37-46, 2017
Total hotel revenue management: A strategic profit perspective
BM Noone, CA Enz, J Glassmire
The effect of price on return intentions: Do satisfaction and reward programme membership matter?
BM Noone, DJ Mount
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 7, 357-369, 2008
Using eye tracking to obtain a deeper understanding of what drives online hotel choice
B Noone, SKA Robson
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