jianyi zhang
jianyi zhang
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Cardiac repair in a porcine model of acute myocardial infarction with human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiovascular cells
L Ye, YH Chang, Q Xiong, P Zhang, L Zhang, P Somasundaram, ...
Cell stem cell 15 (6), 750-761, 2014
Contrast‐enhanced first pass myocardial perfusion imaging: correlation between myocardial blood flow in dogs at rest and during hyperemia
N Wilke, C Simm, J Zhang, J Ellermann, X Ya, H Merkle, G Path, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 29 (4), 485-497, 1993
Large cardiac muscle patches engineered from human induced-pluripotent stem cell–derived cardiac cells improve recovery from myocardial infarction in swine
L Gao, ZR Gregorich, W Zhu, S Mattapally, Y Oduk, X Lou, R Kannappan, ...
Circulation 137 (16), 1712-1730, 2018
The Role of the Sca‐1+/CD31 Cardiac Progenitor Cell Population in Postinfarction Left Ventricular Remodeling
X Wang, Q Hu, Y Nakamura, J Lee, G Zhang, AHL From, J Zhang
Stem cells 24 (7), 1779-1788, 2006
Myocardial tissue engineering with cells derived from human-induced pluripotent stem cells and a native-like, high-resolution, 3-dimensionally printed scaffold
L Gao, ME Kupfer, JP Jung, L Yang, P Zhang, Y Da Sie, Q Tran, V Ajeti, ...
Circulation research 120 (8), 1318-1325, 2017
Bioenergetic and functional consequences of bone marrow–derived multipotent progenitor cell transplantation in hearts with postinfarction left ventricular remodeling
L Zeng, Q Hu, X Wang, A Mansoor, J Lee, J Feygin, G Zhang, ...
Circulation 115 (14), 1866-1875, 2007
Quantitative imaging of energy expenditure in human brain
XH Zhu, H Qiao, F Du, Q Xiong, X Liu, X Zhang, K Ugurbil, W Chen
Neuroimage 60 (4), 2107-2117, 2012
Microstrip RF surface coil design for extremely high‐field MRI and spectroscopy
X Zhang, K Ugurbil, W Chen
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2001
Analysis of myocardial perfusion MRI
M Jerosch‐Herold, RT Seethamraju, CM Swingen, NM Wilke, AE Stillman
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: An Official Journal of the …, 2004
Acquisition of a quantitative, stoichiometrically conserved ratiometric marker of maturation status in stem cell-derived cardiac myocytes
FB Bedada, SSK Chan, SK Metzger, L Zhang, J Zhang, DJ Garry, ...
Stem cell reports 3 (4), 594-605, 2014
Autologous stem cell transplantation for myocardial repair
J Liu, Q Hu, Z Wang, C Xu, X Wang, G Gong, A Mansoor, J Lee, M Hou, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 287 (2 …, 2004
Controlled Release of Stromal Cell–Derived Factor-1alpha In Situ Increases C-kit+ Cell Homing to the Infarcted Heart
GE Zhang, Y Nakamura, X Wang, Q Hu, LJ Suggs, J Zhang
Tissue engineering 13 (8), 2063-2071, 2007
Transplanted mesenchymal stem cells reduce autophagic flux in infarcted hearts via the exosomal transfer of miR-125b
C Xiao, K Wang, Y Xu, H Hu, N Zhang, Y Wang, Z Zhong, J Zhao, Q Li, ...
Circulation research 123 (5), 564-578, 2018
Proton T2 relaxation study of water, N‐acetylaspartate, and creatine in human brain using Hahn and Carr‐Purcell spin echoes at 4T and 7T
S Michaeli, M Garwood, XH Zhu, L DelaBarre, P Andersen, G Adriany, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2002
Encoding of natural sounds at multiple spectral and temporal resolutions in the human auditory cortex
R Santoro, M Moerel, F De Martino, R Goebel, K Ugurbil, E Yacoub, ...
PLoS computational biology 10 (1), e1003412, 2014
ATP-Sensitive K+ Channels, Adenosine, and Nitric Oxide–Mediated Mechanisms Account for Coronary Vasodilation During Exercise
Y Ishibashi, DJ Duncker, J Zhang, RJ Bache
Circulation research 82 (3), 346-359, 1998
Roadway sensing systems
C Stelzig, K Govindarajan, C Swingen, R Miezianko, N Bekooy
US Patent 9,472,097, 2016
Initial results of cardiac imaging at 7 Tesla
CJ Snyder, L DelaBarre, GJ Metzger, PF Van de Moortele, C Akgun, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2009
High field magnetic resonance
JT Vaughan, PF Van de Moortele, L DelaBarre, CC Olson, H Orser, ...
US Patent 7,800,368, 2010
Human primary visual cortex and lateral geniculate nucleus activation during visual imagery
W Chen, T Kato, XH Zhu, S Ogawa, DW Tank, K Ugurbil
Neuroreport 9 (16), 3669-3674, 1998
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