I Putu Sindhu Asmara
I Putu Sindhu Asmara
Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
在 ppns.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Seakeeping and resistance analysis of 1200 GT passenger ship fitted with NACA 4412 stern foil using CFD method
IPS Asmara, M Adam
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1175 (1), 012002, 2021
Design of pothole detector using gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and neural network (NN)
I Sutrisno, AW Syauqi, MK Hasin, MB Rahmat, IPS Asmara, D Wiratno, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 874 (1), 012012, 2020
Analisis Minat Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Kelas Iv Sdn Jleper 01
ET Karisma, D Setiawan, I Oktavianti
J. Prasasti Ilmu 2 (3), 2022
Probability of Ship on Collision Courses Based on the New PAW Using MMG Model and AIS Data
I Asmara, E Kobayashi, N Wakabayashi, KB Artana
TransNav, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety od Sea …, 2015
Data analysis of ship measurement in Brondong with Polynomial function
M Abu Jami’in, E Julianto, U Mujiono, EP Hidayat, IPS Asmara
Proceeding of the National Seminar on Maritime, Sains, and Applied Technology, 2016
Simulation of Collision Avoidance in Lamong Bay Port by Considering the PAW of Target Ship using MMG Model and AIS Data
IPS Asmara, E Kobayashi, T Pitana
Mar. Eng. Front 2, 31-38, 2014
Perancangan Mobile Crane Kapasitas 2 Ton Sebagai Sarana Penunjang Galangan Reparasi
B Fatahhillah, IPS Asmara, A Imron
Proceedings Conference On Design Manufacture Engineering And Its Application …, 2018
Trial Maneuvers Based Collision Avoidance between Anchorage Areas using MMG Model and AIS Data
IPS Asmara, E Kobayashi, N Wakabayashi
日本船舶海洋工学会講演会論文集 Conference proceedings, the Japan Society of …, 2013
Uncertainty Analysis for the Estimation of Ship Maneuverability in Tanjung Perak Port Area using MMG Model and AIS Data
IPS Asmara, E Kobayashi, S Khanfir
日本船舶海洋工学会講演会論文集 Conference proceedings, the Japan Society of …, 2012
Safety analysis of mooring hawser of FSO and SPM buoy in irregular waves
IPS Asmara, VAP Wibowo
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 557 (1), 012003, 2020
Desain Kapal Keruk Perairan Dangkal Menggunakan Bucket Elevator
IPS Asmara, H Yudo
Kapal: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Kelautan 16 (3), 81-90, 2019
Analisa Data Hasil Pelatihan Pengukuran Kapal di Brondong dengan Pendekatan Fungsi Polinomial
MA Jamiâ, EP Hidayat, U Mujiono, E Julianto, IPS Asmara
Seminar MASTER PPNS 2 (1), 181-186, 2017
Simulation of Collision Avoidance by Considering Potential Area of Water for Maneuvering based on MMG Model and AIS Data
IPS Asmara, E Kobayashi, T Pitana
International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies …, 2013
Simulation-based estimation of collision risk during ship maneuvering in two-lane canal using mathematical maneuvering group model and automatic identification system data
IPS Asmara, E Kobayashi, KB Artana, AA Masroeri, N Wakabayashi
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45424 …, 2014
The Two-Lane Canal Design of Madura Strait by Using MMG Model and AIS data
IPS Asmara, E Kobayashi, N Wakabayashi
日本船舶海洋工学会講演会論文集 Conference proceedings, the Japan Society of …, 2013
Structural analysis of single girder overhead crane using SS400 and ST52-3 steel plate
IPS Asmara, F Hamzah, LF Susanti
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1450 (1), 012130, 2020
Safety Analysis of Barge Maneuvers in Restricted Port Area
IPS Asmara, K Sambodho, AAB Dinariyana, K Buda
Perancangan Pillar Slewing Jib Crane SWl 2 Ton dan Span 5 Meter
L Devi, IPS Asmara, P Sidi
Proceedings Conference On Design Manufacture Engineering And Its Application …, 2022
Optimum Propeller Interaction Analysis of Harbourtug With Azimuth Thruster
SD Utami, IM Ariana, AZM Fathallah, IPS Asmara
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1052 (1), 012029, 2021
Analisis Kekuatan Konstruksi Car Deck Akibat Penambahan Panjang pada Ro-Ro Passenger Ship
MN Zaibidi, IPS Asmara, PNA Nugroho
Jurnal Teknologi Maritim 4 (1), 493975, 2020
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