Movable cellular automata method for simulating materials with mesostructure SG Psakhie, Y Horie, GP Ostermeyer, SY Korostelev, AY Smolin, ... Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics 37 (1-3), 311-334, 2001 | 253 | 2001 |
Physical mesomechanics of heterogeneous media and computer-aided design of materials VE Panin (No Title), 1998 | 224 | 1998 |
On the role of copper in brake friction materials W Österle, C Prietzel, H Kloß, AI Dmitriev Tribology International 43 (12), 2317-2326, 2010 | 193 | 2010 |
Физическая мезомеханика и компьютерное конструирование материалов ВЕ Панин, ПВ Макаров, ММ Немирович-Данченко, ВН Демидов, ... Новосибирское отделение издательства" Наука", 1995 | 190 | 1995 |
Towards a better understanding of brake friction materials W Österle, H Kloß, I Urban, AI Dmitriev Wear 263 (7-12), 1189-1201, 2007 | 168 | 2007 |
Physical mesomechanics and computer design of materials VE Panin, VE Egorushkin, PV Makarov Novosibirsk: Science 1, 1995 | 121 | 1995 |
The role of carbon fibers and silica nanoparticles on friction and wear reduction of an advanced polymer matrix composite W Österle, AI Dmitriev, B Wetzel, G Zhang, I Häusler, BC Jim Materials & Design 93, 474-484, 2016 | 117 | 2016 |
The role of solid lubricants for brake friction materials W Österle, AI Dmitriev Lubricants 4 (1), 5, 2016 | 102 | 2016 |
Multiscale simulation of dry friction in wheel/rail contact F Bucher, AI Dmitriev, M Ertz, K Knothe, VL Popov, SG Psakhie, EV Shilko Wear 261 (7-8), 874-884, 2006 | 99 | 2006 |
Nanostructuring burnishing and subsurface shear instability VP Kuznetsov, SY Tarasov, AI Dmitriev Journal of Materials Processing Technology 217, 327-335, 2015 | 93 | 2015 |
Метод подвижных клеточных автоматов как новое направление дискретной вычислительной механики. I. Теоретическое описание СГ Псахье, ГП Остермайер, АИ Дмитриев, ЕВ Шилько, АЮ Смолин, ... Физическая мезомеханика 3 (2), 5-13, 2000 | 91 | 2000 |
Method of movable cellular automata as a tool for simulation within the framework of mesomechanics SG Psakhie, Y Horie, SY Korostelev, AY Smolin, AI Dmitriev, EV Shilko, ... Russian Physics Journal 38 (11), 1157-1168, 1995 | 91* | 1995 |
Friction coefficient in" rail-wheel"-contacts as a function of material and loading parameters VL Popov, SG Psakhie, EV Shilko, AI Dmitriev, K Knothe, F Bucher, M Ertz PHYSICAL MESOMECHANICS. 5 (3/4), 17-24, 2002 | 83 | 2002 |
Light-dependent hydration of the space surrounding photoreceptors in chick retina. J Li, RP Gallemore, A Dmitriev, RH Steinberg Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 35 (6), 2700-2711, 1994 | 81 | 1994 |
Approach to simulation of deformation and fracture of hierarchically organized heterogeneous media, including contrast media SG Psakhie, EV Shilko, AY Smolin, AV Dimaki, AI Dmitriev, ... Physical Mesomechanics 14 (5-6), 224-248, 2011 | 80 | 2011 |
Functionality of conventional brake friction materials–perceptions from findings observed at different length scales W Österle, AI Dmitriev Wear 271 (9-10), 2198-2207, 2011 | 80 | 2011 |
Tribological screening tests for the selection of raw materials for automotive brake pad formulations W Österle, C Deutsch, T Gradt, G Orts-Gil, T Schneider, AI Dmitriev Tribology International 73, 148-155, 2014 | 77 | 2014 |
Quasi-fluid nano-layers at the interface between rubbing bodies: simulations by movable cellular automata VL Popov, SG Psakhie, A Dmitriev, E Shilko Wear 254 (9), 901-906, 2003 | 72 | 2003 |
Nonenolides and cytochalasins with phytotoxic activity against Cirsium arvense and Sonchus arvensis: A structure–activity relationships study A Berestetskiy, A Dmitriev, G Mitina, I Lisker, A Andolfi, A Evidente Phytochemistry 69 (4), 953-960, 2008 | 70 | 2008 |
Vibration and acoustic emission monitoring the stability of peakless tool turning: Experiment and modeling AV Filippov, AY Nikonov, VE Rubtsov, AI Dmitriev, SY Tarasov Journal of Materials Processing Technology 246, 224-234, 2017 | 69 | 2017 |