Pascal Frank
Pascal Frank
在 leuphana.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Education for sustainable consumption through mindfulness training: Development of a consumption-specific intervention
L Stanszus, D Fischer, T Böhme, P Frank, J Fritzsche, S Geiger, ...
Journal of teacher education for sustainability 19 (1), 5-21, 2017
Healthy eating and sustainable nutrition through mindfulness? Mixed method results of a controlled intervention study
LS Stanszus, P Frank, SM Geiger
Appetite 141, 104325, 2019
Transforming consumer behavior: Introducing self-inquiry-based and self-experience-based learning for building personal competencies for sustainable consumption
P Frank, LS Stanszus
Sustainability 11 (9), 2550, 2019
How mindfulness training cultivates introspection and competence development for sustainable consumption
P Frank, A Sundermann, D Fischer
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 20 (6), 1002-1021, 2019
Mindfulness, education, and the sustainable development goals
P Frank, D Fischer, C Wamsler
Quality Education, 545-555, 2020
Developments in qualitative mindfulness practice research: A pilot scoping review
P Frank, M Marken
Mindfulness, 1-20, 2022
Cross-fertilizing qualitative perspectives on effects of a mindfulness-based intervention: An empirical comparison of four methodical approaches
P Frank, L Stanszus, D Fischer, K Kehnel, P Grossman
Mindfulness 10, 2452-2467, 2019
A proposal of personal competencies for sustainable consumption
P Frank
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 22 (6), 1225-1245, 2021
Mindfulness as self-confirmation? An exploratory intervention study on potentials and limitations of mindfulness-based interventions in the context of environmental and …
P Frank, D Fischer, L Stanszus, P Grossman, U Schrader
The Journal of Environmental Education 52 (6), 417-444, 2021
Time and sustainability: A missing link in formal education curricula
C Grauer, D Fischer, P Frank
The Journal of Environmental Education 53 (1), 22-41, 2022
Warum wir Tiere essen (obwohl wir sie mögen)
P Frank
psychosozial 40 (2), 49-70, 2017
Introspektion und Bildung für nachhaltigen Konsum: Ein Lehr-Lern-Format zur systematischen Selbsterforschung in der Auseinandersetzung mit Argumenten zum Konsum tierischer …
P Frank, D Fischer
Nachhaltigkeit in der Lehre: eine Herausforderung für Hochschulen, 469-486, 2018
Developments in qualitative mindfulness practice research: A pilot scoping review. Mindfulness, 13 (1), 17–36
P Frank, M Marken
Directing personal sustainability science toward subjective experience: conceptual, methodological, and normative cornerstones for a first-person inquiry into inner worlds
P Frank, J Wagemann, J Grund, O Parodi
Sustainability Science 19 (2), 555-574, 2024
Can learning to move foster sustainable development? A systematic literature review examining the potential of sport and physical activity in the context of environmental and …
S Thurm, P Frank, S Greve, S Schröder
German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research 54 (1), 29-42, 2024
Can guided introspection help avoid rationalization of meat consumption? Mixed-methods results of a pilot experimental study
P Frank, K Heimann, V Kolbe, C Schuster
Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 6, 100070, 2022
Knowledge generation and sustainable development
P Frank
Encyclopedia of sustainability in higher education, 1039-1049, 2019
Arbeitspapier zur Definition von Zeitwohlstand im Forschungsprojekt ReZeitKon
G von Jorck, S Gerold, S Geiger, U Schrader, D Fischer, P Frank, ...
Learning to spend time in unusual times: An inquiry into the potential for sustainability learning during COVID-19-induced school closures
C Grauer, P Frank, D Fischer
International Review of Education 69 (6), 823-849, 2023
Developing affective-motivational competence within education for sustainable consumption through self-reflexive learning activities
P Frank
by Medien-und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg Files in …, 2020
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