Patrick Löffler
Patrick Löffler
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The NHL domain of BRAT is an RNA-binding domain that directly contacts the hunchback mRNA for regulation
I Loedige, M Stotz, S Qamar, K Kramer, J Hennig, T Schubert, P Löffler, ...
Genes & development 28 (7), 749-764, 2014
Explicit polarization: A quantum mechanical framework for developing next generation force fields
J Gao, DG Truhlar, Y Wang, MJM Mazack, P Löffler, MR Provorse, ...
Accounts of Chemical Research 47 (9), 2837-2845, 2014
Exploiting protein symmetry to design light‐controllable enzyme inhibitors
B Reisinger, N Kuzmanovic, P Löffler, R Merkl, B König, R Sterner
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (2), 595-598, 2014
Rosetta: MSF: a modular framework for multi-state computational protein design
P Löffler, S Schmitz, E Hupfeld, R Sterner, R Merkl
PLoS computational biology 13 (6), e1005600, 2017
Generation of catalytic human Ago4 identifies structural elements important for RNA cleavage
J Hauptmann, L Kater, P Löffler, R Merkl, G Meister
Rna 20 (10), 1532-1538, 2014
Plasmodium falciparum Nucleosomes Exhibit Reduced Stability and Lost Sequence Dependent Nucleosome Positioning
E Silberhorn, U Schwartz, P Löffler, S Schmitz, A Symelka, ...
PLoS pathogens 12 (12), e1006080, 2016
Nutzung natürlicher Proteinsymmetrie zum Design lichtschaltbarer Enzyminhibitoren
B Reisinger, N Kuzmanovic, P Löffler, R Merkl, B König, R Sterner
Angewandte Chemie 126 (2), 606-609, 2014
Conversion of anthranilate synthase into isochorismate synthase: implications for the evolution of chorismate‐utilizing enzymes
MG Plach, P Löffler, R Merkl, R Sterner
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (38), 11270-11274, 2015
TrpB2 Enzymes are O-Phospho-l-serine Dependent Tryptophan Synthases
F Busch, C Rajendran, O Mayans, P Löffler, R Merkl, R Sterner
Biochemistry 53 (38), 6078-6083, 2014
Umwandlung einer Anthranilatsynthase in eine Isochorismatsynthase: Implikationen für die Evolution von Chorismat‐umsetzenden Enzymen
MG Plach, P Löffler, R Merkl, R Sterner
Angewandte Chemie 127 (38), 11423-11427, 2015
Computationally modeling interactions and dynamics to promote the understanding of protein function
P Löffler
The NHL domain of BRAT is an RNA-binding domain that directly contacts the hunchback mRNA for regulation
T Schubert, P Loffler, G Längst, R Merkl, H Urlaub, G Meister
A Modular Framework to Extend Rosetta Protocols with Multistate Design
P Löffler, S Schmitz, E Hupfeld, R Merkl
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