Syed Safiullah
Syed Safiullah
Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University
Arsenic in groundwater: testing pollution mechanisms for sedimentary aquifers in Bangladesh
JM McArthur, P Ravenscroft, S Safiulla, MF Thirlwall
Water Resources Research 37 (1), 109-117, 2001
Geochemical occurrence of arsenic in groundwater of Bangladesh: sources and mobilization processes
HM Anawar, J Akai, K Komaki, H Terao, T Yoshioka, T Ishizuka, ...
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 77 (2-3), 109-131, 2003
Arsenic poisoning in groundwater: health risk and geochemical sources in Bangladesh
HM Anawar, J Akai, KMG Mostofa, S Safiullah, SM Tareq
Environment international 27 (7), 597-604, 2002
Arsenic pollution in groundwater: a self-organizing complex geochemical process in the deltaic sedimentary environment, Bangladesh
SM Tareq, S Safiullah, HM Anawar, MM Rahman, T Ishizuka
Science of the total environment 313 (1-3), 213-226, 2003
Oral dispersible system: A new approach in drug delivery system
PA Hannan, JA Khan, A Khan, S Safiullah
Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences 78 (1), 2, 2016
Seasonal variability and geochemical significance of organic matter in the River Ganges, Bangladesh
V Ittekkot, S Safiullah, B Mycke, R Seifert
Nature 317 (6040), 800-802, 1985
Carbon transport in the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, Transport of carbon and minerals in major world rivers
SMIAMM S.S. Ullah, M.I. Cowdhury, S.E. Kabir
Mitt. Geol-Palaont/Inst. Univ. Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP, Sonderband, 457, 1982
Nature of organic matter in rivers with deep sea connections: The Ganges-Brahmaputra and Indus
V Ittekkot, S Safiullah, R Arain
Science of the Total Environment 58 (1-2), 93-107, 1986
Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Coagulation Precipitation Method.
MA Sabur, AA Khan, S Safiullah
Journal of Scientific Research 4 (3), 2012
Trace metals in tropical marine fish from the Bay of Bengal
AKM Sharif, AI Mustafa, AH Mirza, S Safiullah
Science of the Total Environment 107, 135-142, 1991
Heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Cr, Fe and Mn) content in textile sludge in Gazipur, Bangladesh.
MM Islam, MA Halim, S Safiullah, SAMW Hoque, MS Islam
Research Journal of Environmental Sciences 3 (3), 311-315, 2009
Removal of heavy metal from contaminated water by biopolymer crab shell chitosan.
MS Rana, MA Halim, S Safiullah, MM Mollah, MS Azam, MA Goni, ...
Journal of Applied Sciences 9 (15), 2762-2769, 2009
Lead and cadmium contents in ten species of tropical marine fish from the Bay of Bengal
AKM Sharif, AI Mustafa, MA Hossain, MN Amin, S Safiullah
Science of the total environment 133 (1-2), 193-199, 1993
Treatment of Tannery Effluent by Locally Available Commercial Grade Lime.
MA Sabur, MM Rahman, S Safiullah
Journal of Scientific Research 5 (1), 2013
Carbon transport in the Ganges and the Brahmaputra: preliminary results
MI Chowdhury, S Safiullah, SM Iqbal Ali, M Mofizuddin, S Enamul Kabir
Transport of carbon and minerals in major world rivers, Part 1, 457-468, 1982
Trace element concentrations in tropical marine fish from the Bay of Bengal
AKM Sharif, AI Mustafa, MN Amin, S Safiullah
Science of the total environment 138 (1-3), 223-234, 1993
Concentrations of radionuclides in coastal sediments from the Bay of Bengal
AKM Sharif, AB Bilkis, S Roy, MDH Sikder, KMI Ali, S Safiullah
Science of the total environment 158, 1-8, 1994
Biogeochemical cycles of carbon in the rivers of Bangladesh
S Safiullah, M Mofizuddin, SM Iqbal-Ali, S Enamul-Kabir
Transport of carbon and minerals in major world rivers 4, 435-442, 1987
Arsenic pollution in the ground water in Bangladesh: an overview
S Safiullah
Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 4 (1), 47-59, 2007
Comparative study of Bangladesh Barapukuria coal with those of various other countries
S Safiullah, MRR Khan, MA Sabur
Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society 24 (2), 221-225, 2011
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