Camille Brisset
Camille Brisset
Professor (Assistant) in Psychology, LabPsy, University of Bordeaux, France
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Psychological and sociocultural adaptation of university students in France: The case of Vietnamese international students
C Brisset, S Safdar, JR Lewis, C Sabatier
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 34 (4), 413-426, 2010
Working with interpreters in health care: A systematic review and meta-ethnography of qualitative studies
C Brisset, Y Leanza, K Laforest
Patient education and counseling 91 (2), 131-140, 2013
Language barriers in mental health care: A survey of primary care practitioners
C Brisset, Y Leanza, E Rosenberg, B Vissandjée, LJ Kirmayer, G Muckle, ...
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 16 (6), 1238-1246, 2014
Integration of interpreters in mental health interventions with children and adolescents: The need for a framework
Y Leanza, I Boivin, MR Moro, C Rousseau, C Brisset, E Rosenberg, ...
Transcultural Psychiatry 52 (3), 353-375, 2015
French college students’ sports practice and its relations with stress, coping strategies and academic success
G Décamps, E Boujut, C Brisset
Frontiers in Psychology 3 (104), 1-6, 2012
A typology of healthcare interpreter positionings: When “neutral” means “proactive”
F René de Cotret, C Brisset, Y Leanza
Interpreting 23 (1), 103-126, 2021
Intercultural experiences prior to the educational program: Occupational therapy and social work students
S Tétreault, C Bétrisey, C Brisset, A Gulfi, M Schaer, Y Leanza, N Kühne
Journal of culture and values in education (JCVE) 2020, 2020
Interprétation et interprétariat: Chassé-croisé en thérapies analytiques plurilingues
I Boivin, C Brisset, Y Leanza
Filigrane: Écoutes Psychothérapiques 20 (2), 107-122, 2011
Emerging adult self-perception and link with adjustment to academic context among Female College Students
B Chevrier, P Compagnone, A Carrizales, C Brisset, L Lannegrand
European Review of Applied Psychology 70 (5), 100527, 2020
From concern for patients to a quest for information: How medical socialization shapes family physicians’ representations of interpreters
Y Leanza, E Rizkallah, T Michaud-Labonté, C Brisset
Interpreting: International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting …, 2017
Bien-être, adaptation sociale et discrimination à l'école. Perception des adolescents issus de l'immigration.
V Boutry-Avezou, C Sabatier, C Brisset
Revue Francophone du Stress et du Trauma 7 (3), 205-216, 2007
Challenges to and recommendations for working with a community interpreter in mental health: A Canadian perspective
Y Leanza, C Brisset, R Rocque, A Boilard
Providing health care in the context of language barriers: International …, 2017
L'interprétariat en santé mentale à Montréal
C Brisset, Y Leanza
Rhizome 55, 20-26, 2015
Language interpretation
C Brisset, Y Leanza
The Encyclopedia of Cross‐Cultural Psychology 2, 806-808, 2013
Soutenir l’interprétariat dans la rencontre et l’accompagnement des personnes migrantes
C Brisset, L Kotobi
Le Journal des psychologues, 45-48, 2020
R Rocque, C Brisset, Y Leanza
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods, 2017
Vieillesse et Vieillissement, Vulnérabilité et Ressources: Regards Croisés.
J Bouisson, C Brisset, I Tournier, C Vion
Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, 2011
Training and Integrating Public Service Interpreters in a Refugee Health Clinic: A Mixed-Method Approach to Evaluate an Innovative Program
Y Leanza, R Rocque, C Brisset, S Gagnon
Refuge 37 (2), 106-123, 2021
Perceptions des étudiants en ergothérapie et en travail social quant au développement de leurs compétences interculturelles durant la formation initiale
S Tétreault, C Brisset, C Bétrisey, A Gulfi, Y Leanza, N Kühne
Éducation et socialisation. Les Cahiers du CERFEE, 2020
Perceptions, competencies and motivation for study choice: Occupational therapy and social work student perspectives
S Tétreault, C Bétrisey, A Gulfi, C Brisset, N Kühne, Y Leanza
International journal of practice-based learning in health and social care, 2020
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