Artur Modlinski
Artur Modlinski
Associate Professor, University of Łódź
在 uni.lodz.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
Human–machine trans roles conflict in the organization: How sensitive are customers to intelligent robots replacing the human workforce?
A Modliński, P Fortuna, B Rożnowski
International Journal of Consumer Studies 47 (1), 100-117, 2023
A (I) rtist or counterfeiter? Artificial intelligence as (D) evaluating factor on the art market
P Fortuna, A Modliński
The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society 51 (3), 188-201, 2021
Popularity of branded content in social media
M Karpinska-Krakowiak, A Modlinski
Journal of Computer Information Systems 60 (4), 309-315, 2020
The empowerment of artificial intelligence in post-digital organizations: exploring human interactions with supervisory AI
M Gladden, P Fortuna, A Modliński
Human Technology 18 (2), 98-121, 2022
Prankvertising–pranks as a new form of brand advertising online
M Karpinska-Krakowiak, A Modliński
Publishing House of Rzeszow University of Technology, 2014
Fired by an algorithm? Exploration of conformism with biased intelligent decision support systems in the context of workplace discipline
ML Bartosiak, A Modlinski
Career Development International 27 (6/7), 601-615, 2022
The effects of religiosity and gender on attitudes and trust toward autonomous vehicles
A Modliński, E Gwiaździński, M Karpińska-Krakowiak
The Journal of High Technology Management Research 33 (1), 100426, 2022
Rolling back to manual work: an exploratory research on robotic process re-manualization
A Modliński, D Kedziora, A Jiménez Ramírez, A del-Río-Ortega
International Conference on Business Process Management, 154-169, 2022
Creative or analitical way for career development? Relationship marketing in the field of international business education
M Markova, A Modliński, LM Pinto
Creativity Studies 13 (1), 99-113, 2020
Managing substitutive and complementary technologies in cultural institutions: Market/mission perspectives
A Modlinski, LM Pinto
Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues 25 (Special issue), 1-10, 2020
The effects of pranks in social media on brands
M Karpińska-Krakowiak, A Modliński
Journal of Computer Information Systems 58 (3), 282-290, 2018
An organizational metaphor for the 4th industrial revolution: the organization as Cyborg
A Modliński, ME Gladden
World Futures 78 (6), 372-391, 2022
The psychological and ethological antecedents of human consent to techno-empowerment of autonomous office assistants
A Modliński
AI & SOCIETY 38 (2), 647-663, 2023
Strategie instytucji kultury wobec niezadowolenia i bojkotów konsumenckich
A Modliński
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2019
Applying ethology to design human-oriented technology. Experimental study on the signalling role of the labelling effect in technology’s empowerment
A Modliński, M Gladden
Human Technology 17 (2), 164-189, 2021
Creators matter. perception and pricing of art made by human, cyborgs and humanoid robots
P Fortuna, A Modliński, M McNeill
Empirical Studies of the Arts 41 (2), 331-351, 2023
Robots onboard? Investigating what individual predispositions and attitudes influence the reactions of museums’ employees towards the adoption of social robots
A Modliński, P Fortuna, B Rożnowski
Museum Management and Curatorship, 1-25, 2023
Replaced by Machines? The Intelligent (Ro)Bots as the Disruptive Innovation for Human Workforce in Cross Cultural Perspective
A Modliński, M Bartosiak
Facets of Managing in Cross-Cultural Diversity, 69-90, 2021
Wspólczesne zarządzanie-koncepcje i wyzwania
S Sudoł, A Szplit, P Klimas, S Stańczyk, K Sachpazidu-Wójcicka, ...
Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH w Warszawie, 2020
Decyzje konsumenckie w dobie rewolucji cyfrowej i sztucznej inteligencji—przegląd trendów
A Modliński
Forum Socjologiczne 9, 181-189, 2018
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