Emidia Vagnoni
Emidia Vagnoni
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Power, organization design and managerial behaviour
MA Abernethy, E Vagnoni
Accounting, Organizations and Society 29 (3-4), 207-225, 2004
A multi-level perspective analysis of urban mobility system dynamics: what are the future transition pathways?
A Moradi, E Vagnoni
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 126, 231-243, 2018
Understanding Small Family Business Succession in a Knowledge Management Perspective.
E Bracci, E Vagnoni
IUP Journal of Knowledge Management 9 (1), 2011
World-class manufacturing by Fiat. Comparison with Toyota production system from a strategic management, management accounting, operations management and performance …
A Chiarini, E Vagnoni
International Journal of Production Research 53 (2), 590-606, 2015
Does intellectual capital promote the shift of healthcare organizations towards sustainable development? Evidence from Italy
C Cavicchi, E Vagnoni
Journal of Cleaner Production 153, 275-286, 2017
Public healthcare practices and criteria for a sustainable procurement: A comparative study between UK and Italy
A Chiarini, A Opoku, E Vagnoni
Journal of Cleaner Production 162, 391-399, 2017
Investigating factors of intellectual capital to enhance achievement of strategic goals in a university hospital setting
E Vagnoni, C Oppi
Journal of Intellectual Capital 16 (2), 331-363, 2015
An exploratory study of sustainable development at Italian universities
E Vagnoni, C Cavicchi
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 16 (2), 217-236, 2015
Designing competitivity activity model through the strategic agility approach in a turbulent environment
E Vagnoni, S Khoddami
foresight 18 (6), 625-648, 2016
LA direzione delle aziende sanitarie. Criticita'di contesto, economicita'e tutela della salute
E Vagnoni
Franco Angeli, 2004
TQM implementation for the healthcare sector: The relevance of leadership and possible causes of lack of leadership
A Chiarini, E Vagnoni
Leadership in Health Services 30 (3), 210-216, 2017
Environmental sustainability in European public healthcare: could it just be a matter of leadership?
A Chiarini, E Vagnoni
Leadership in Health Services 29 (1), 2-8, 2016
Saint Anna’s Hospital in Ferrara, Italy: Accounting and organizational change during the Devolution
E Bracci, L Maran, E Vagnoni
Accounting History 15 (4), 463-504, 2010
On the feasibility of integrated reporting in healthcare: a context analysis starting from a management commentary
C Cavicchi, C Oppi, E Vagnoni
Journal of Management and Governance 23, 345-371, 2019
Evaluation of patient compliance, quality of life impact and cost-effectiveness of a" test in-train out" exercise-based rehabilitation program for patients with intermittent …
AM Malagoni, E Vagnoni, M Felisatti, S Mandini, M Heidari, F Mascoli, ...
Circulation Journal 75 (9), 2128-2134, 2011
Local government's contribution to low carbon mobility transitions
E Vagnoni, A Moradi
Journal of Cleaner Production 176, 486-502, 2018
Differences in implementing corporate social responsibility through SA8000 and ISO 26000 standards: research from European manufacturing
A Chiarini, E Vagnoni
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 28 (4), 438-457, 2017
I controlli nelle pubbliche amministrazioni
E Vagnoni, G Farneti
Maggioli, 1997
Energy management to foster circular economy business model for sustainable development in an agricultural SME
C Cavicchi, C Oppi, E Vagnoni
Journal of Cleaner Production 368, 133188, 2022
Clinicians and accounting: A systematic review and research directions
C Oppi, C Campanale, L Cinquini, E Vagnoni
Financial Accountability & Management 35 (3), 290-312, 2019
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