Olga Abramova
Why phubbing is toxic for your relationship: Understanding the role of smartphone jealousy among “Generation Y” users
H Krasnova, O Abramova, I Notter, A Baumann
Gender differences in online dating: What do we know so far? A systematic literature review
O Abramova, A Baumann, H Krasnova, P Buxmann
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 3858-3867, 2016
Understanding the sharing economy: The role of response to negative reviews in the peer-to-peer accommodation sharing network
O Abramova, T Shavanova, A Fuhrer, H Krasnova, P Buxmann
Understanding self-disclosure on social networking sites-a literature review
O Abramova, A Wagner, H Krasnova, P Buxmann
To Phub or not to Phub: Understanding off-Task Smartphone Usage and its Consequences in the Academic Environment.
O Abramova, A Baumann, H Krasnova, S Lessmann
ECIS, 127, 2017
How Much Will you Pay?: Understanding the Value of Information Cues in the Sharing Economy
O Abramova, H Krasnova, CW Tan
25th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2017, 1011-1028, 2017
Dangers of'Facebook Login'for Mobile Apps: Is There a Price Tag for Social Information?
H Krasnova, N Eling, O Abramova, P Buxmann
ICIS, 2014
One for all, all for one: social considerations in user acceptance of contact tracing apps using longitudinal evidence from Germany and Switzerland
O Abramova, A Wagner, CM Olt, P Buxmann
International Journal of Information Management 64, 102473, 2022
Antecedents for cyberloafing–a literature review
K Weissenfeld, O Abramova, H Krasnova
Understanding storytelling in the context of information systems
K Weissenfeld, O Abramova, H Krasnova
Why Phubbing is Toxic for your Relationship: Understanding the Role of Smartphone Jealousy among “Generation Y" Users. Research Papers. 109
H Krasnova, O Abramova, I Notter, A Baumann
From˜ Privacy Calculus™ to˜ Social Calculus™: Understanding self-disclosure on social networking sites
A Wagner, H Krasnova, O Abramova, P Buxmann, I Benbasat
Collective response to the health crisis among German Twitter users: A structural topic modeling approach
O Abramova, K Batzel, D Modesti
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 2 (2), 100126, 2022
Sentiment, we-talk and engagement on social media: Insights from Twitter data mining on the US presidential elections 2020
L Hagemann, O Abramova
Internet Research 33 (6), 2058-2085, 2023
No matter what the name, we’re all the same? Examining ethnic online discrimination in ridesharing marketplaces
O Abramova
Electronic Markets 32 (3), 1419-1446, 2022
Do they really care about targeted political ads? Investigation of user privacy concerns and preferences
K Baum, S Meißner, O Abramova, H Krasnova
PyFin-sentiment: Towards a machine-learning-based model for deriving sentiment from financial tweets
M Wilksch, O Abramova
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (1), 100171, 2023
An Unusual Encounter with Oneself: Exploring the Impact of Self-view on Online Meeting Outcomes.
O Abramova, M Gladkaya, H Krasnova
ICIS, 2021
Calculating versus Herding in Adoption and continuance Use of a Privacy-Invasive Information System: the Case of CoViD-19 Tracing Apps.
A Wagner, CM Olt, O Abramova
ECIS, 2021
When you share, you should care: Examining the role of perspective-taking on social networking sites
A Wagner, O Abramova, H Krasnova, P Buxmann
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