Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study VJ Felitti, RF Anda, D Nordenberg, DF Williamson, AM Spitz, V Edwards, ... American journal of preventive medicine 14 (4), 245-258, 1998 | 23633 | 1998 |
The scope of rape: incidence and prevalence of sexual aggression and victimization in a national sample of higher education students. MP Koss, CA Gidycz, N Wisniewski Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 55 (2), 162, 1987 | 4429 | 1987 |
Sexual Experiences Survey: a research instrument investigating sexual aggression and victimization. MP Koss, CJ Oros Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 50 (3), 455, 1982 | 2386 | 1982 |
Sexual experiences survey: reliability and validity. MP Koss, CA Gidycz Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 53 (3), 422, 1985 | 1750 | 1985 |
Revising the SES: A collaborative process to improve assessment of sexual aggression and victimization MP Koss, A Abbey, R Campbell, S Cook, J Norris, M Testa, S Ullman, ... Psychology of Women Quarterly 31 (4), 357-370, 2007 | 1571 | 2007 |
No safe haven: Male violence against women at home, at work, and in the community. MP Koss, LA Goodman, A Browne, LF Fitzgerald, GP Keita, NF Russo American Psychological Association, 1994 | 1316 | 1994 |
Characteristics of aggressors against women: testing a model using a national sample of college students. NM Malamuth, RJ Sockloskie, MP Koss, JS Tanaka Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 59 (5), 670, 1991 | 1247 | 1991 |
I never called it rape: The" Ms." report on recognizing, fighting, and surviving date and acquaintance rape. R Warshaw Harper & Row Publishers, 1988 | 1144 | 1988 |
The effects of systemic family violence on children's mental health LA McCloskey, AJ Figueredo, MP Koss Child development 66 (5), 1239-1261, 1995 | 1114 | 1995 |
Stranger and acquaintance rape: Are there differences in the victim's experience? MP Koss, TE Dinero, CA Seibel, SL Cox Psychology of women quarterly 12 (1), 1-24, 1988 | 1109 | 1988 |
The hidden rape victim: Personality, attitudinal, and situational characteristics MP Koss Psychology of women quarterly 9 (2), 193-212, 1985 | 1023 | 1985 |
Deleterious effects of criminal victimization on women's health and medical utilization MP Koss, PG Koss, WJ Woodruff Archives of internal medicine 151 (2), 342-347, 1991 | 955 | 1991 |
Discriminant analysis of risk factors for sexual victimization among a national sample of college women. MP Koss, TE Dinero Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 57 (2), 242, 1989 | 919 | 1989 |
Adult health status of women with histories of childhood abuse and neglect EA Walker, A Gelfand, WJ Katon, MP Koss, M Von Korff, D Bernstein, ... The American journal of medicine 107 (4), 332-339, 1999 | 903 | 1999 |
Hidden rape: Sexual aggression and victimization in a national sample of students in higher education MP Koss Rape and society, 35-49, 2018 | 838 | 2018 |
Imagery rehearsal therapy for chronic nightmares in sexual assault survivors with posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized controlled trial B Krakow, M Hollifield, L Johnston, M Koss, R Schrader, TD Warner, ... Jama 286 (5), 537-545, 2001 | 815 | 2001 |
Pornography and sexual aggression: Are there reliable effects and can we understand them? NM Malamuth, T Addison, M Koss Annual review of sex research 11 (1), 26-91, 2000 | 804 | 2000 |
Correlates of rape while intoxicated in a national sample of college women. M Mohler-Kuo, GW Dowdall, MP Koss, H Wechsler Journal of studies on alcohol 65 (1), 37-45, 2004 | 797 | 2004 |
The rape victim: Clinical and community interventions MP Koss, MR Harvey Sage Publications, Inc, 1991 | 759 | 1991 |
Detecting the scope of rape: A review of prevalence research methods MP Koss Journal of interpersonal violence 8 (2), 198-222, 1993 | 749 | 1993 |