Hokeun Shin
Hokeun Shin
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Radiation from a millimeter-wave rectangular waveguide slot array antenna enclosed by a Von Karman radome
J Kim, SC Song, H Shin, YB Park
Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science 18 (3), 154-159, 2018
Analysis of radar cross section of the integrated mast module for battleship
H Shin, S Lee, D Park, J Shin, M Chung, S Park, YB Park
The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science …, 2017
Analysis of radar cross section of a battleship equipped with an integrated mast module based on PO and PTD
H Shin, S Lee, D Park, J Shin, M Chung, S Park, YB Park
Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science 17 (4), 238-240, 2017
Analysis of radome cross section of an aircraft equipped with a FSS radome
H Shin, D Yoon, DY Na, YB Park
IEEE Access 10, 33704-33712, 2022
Analysis of transmission loss and boresight error of a curved FSS radome-enclosed antenna
H Shin, D Yoon, DY Na, YB Park
IEEE Access 9, 95843-95852, 2021
Radiation from a cavity-backed circular aperture array antenna enclosed by an FSS radome
J Kim, S Lee, H Shin, KY Jung, H Choo, YB Park
Applied Sciences 8 (12), 2346, 2018
Design of a hemispherical reconfigurable frequency selective surface using water channels
DC Son, H Shin, YJ Kim, IP Hong, HJ Chun, KY Jung, H Choo, YB Park
IEEE Access 6, 61445-61451, 2018
Shape optimization of an integrated mast for RCS reduction of a stealth naval vessel
H Shin, D Yoon, C Kim, YS Yang, MG Lee, JY Park, KC Hwang, YB Park
Applied Sciences 11 (6), 2819, 2021
Analysis of a curved multi-layer radome using a flat model and the ray tracing technique
H Shin, D Yoon, K Choi, I Jung, YB Park
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 15, 787-794, 2020
Design of a multi-layered reconfigurable frequency selective surface using water channels
DC Son, H Shin, YJ Kim, IP Hong, HJ Chun, H Choo, YB Park
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 14, 331-337, 2019
Analysis of radar cross section of the tank and its application at millimeter wave W-band
H Shin, SC Song, J Kim, YB Park
The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science …, 2017
Analysis of radar cross-section of perfect electric conductor scatterer using the incremental theory of diffraction
S Lee, H Lee, H Shin, D Yoon, YB Park
The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science …, 2021
Design and fabrication of a reconfigurable frequency selective surface using fluidic channels
DC Son, H Shin, YJ Kim, IP Hong, HJ Chun, YB Park
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 12 (6), 2342-2347, 2017
Efficient Radiation Pattern Estimation of Slot Array Antennas Covered With Frequency Selective Surfaces Using Deterministic Ray Tracing
D Yoon, J Kim, H Shin, DY Na, YB Park
IEEE Access 11, 32018-32029, 2023
Radar cross section of a hemisphere FSS radome mounted on a circular cylinder
H Shin, DC Son, S Lee, J Lee, S Choi, H An, YB Park
Proc. Int. Symp. Antennas Propag., 171-172, 2018
유전체가 코팅된 원통 도체의 레이다 단면적 해석
신호근, 전희재, 이상수, 박용배
한국통신학회 학술대회논문집, 737-738, 2018
다층 전파흡수체가 코팅된 도체의 레이다 단면적 계산
안형준, 신호근, 박용배
한국통신학회 학술대회논문집, 940-940, 2018
물리광학법과 물리광학 회절이론을 이용한 레이다 단면적 해석 기법
H Shin, YB Park
The Proceeding of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and …, 2017
文章 1–18