Supun Perera
Supun Perera
Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS), University of Sydney
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Investigating transport network vulnerability by capacity weighted spectral analysis
MGH Bell, F Kurauchi, S Perera, W Wong
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 99, 251-266, 2017
Network science approach to modelling the topology and robustness of supply chain networks: a review and perspective
S Perera, MGH Bell, MCJ Bliemer
Applied network science 2, 1-25, 2017
Network growth models: A behavioural basis for attachment proportional to fitness
M Bell, S Perera, M Piraveenan, M Bliemer, T Latty, C Reid
Nature Scientific Reports 7, 42431, 2017
An eigenvector centrality analysis of world container shipping network connectivity
KF Cheung, MGH Bell, JJ Pan, S Perera
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 140, 101991, 2020
The relationship between nested patterns and the ripple effect in complex supply networks
VK Chauhan, S Perera, A Brintrup
International Journal of Production Research 59 (1), 325-341, 2021
Topological structure of manufacturing industry supply chain networks
SS Perera, MGH Bell, M Piraveenan, D Kasthurirathna, M Parhi
Complexity 2018 (1), 3924361, 2018
Connectivity analysis of the global shipping network by eigenvalue decomposition
JJ Pan, MGH Bell, KF Cheung, S Perera, H Yu
Maritime Policy & Management 46 (8), 957-966, 2019
Resurgence of demand responsive transit services–Insights from BRIDJ trials in inner west of Sydney, Australia
S Perera, C Ho, D Hensher
Research in Transportation Economics 83, 100904, 2020
An entropy maximizing approach to the ferry network design problem
MGH Bell, JJ Pan, C Teye, KF Cheung, S Perera
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 132, 15-28, 2020
Structural characteristics of complex supply chain networks
S Perera, HN Perera, D Kasthurirathna
2017 moratuwa engineering research conference (mercon), 135-140, 2017
Detecting and improving public-transit connectivity with case studies of two world sport events
AA Ceder, S Perera
Transport Policy 33, 96-109, 2014
Identifying container shipping network bottlenecks along China’s Maritime Silk Road based on a spectral analysis
J Pan, MGH Bell, KF Cheung, S Perera
Maritime Policy & Management 48 (8), 1138-1150, 2021
Topological rationality of supply chain networks
S Perera, D Kasthurirathna, M Bell, M Bliemer
International Journal of Production Research 58 (10), 3126-3149, 2020
Value chain approach for modelling resilience of tiered supply chain networks
S Perera, HN Perera, D Kasthurirathna
2017 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 159-164, 2017
Modelling supply chains as complex networks for investigating resilience: an improved methodological framework
SS Perera, M Bell, M Bliemer
Proceedings of the 37th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), Sydney …, 2015
Resilience characteristics of supply network topologies generated by fitness based growth models
SS Perera, MGH Bell, MCJ Bliemer
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016
Network science approach to modelling emergence and topological robustness of supply networks: A review and perspective
S Perera, M Bell, M Bliemer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.09913, 2018
Network science approach to modelling the topology and robustness of supply chain networks: a review and perspective. Applied Network Science. 2017; 2 (1)
S Perera, MGH Bell, MCJ Bliemer
Absorbing markov chain approach to modelling disruptions in supply chain networks
S Perera, MGH Bell, F Kurauchi, D Kasthurirathna
2019 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 515-520, 2019
Topological structure of the road traffic network in the western regional megapolis, sri lanka
S Perera, HN Perera, K Perera
2018 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 37-42, 2018
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