Unemployment, vacancies and the long-term unemployed A Budd, P Levine, P Smith The Economic Journal 98 (393), 1071-1091, 1988 | 206 | 1988 |
Job tenure in Britain: Employee characteristics versus workplace effects K Mumford, PN Smith Economica 71 (282), 275-297, 2004 | 95 | 2004 |
Asset pricing with observable stochastic discount factors P Smith, M Wickens Journal of Economic Surveys 16 (3), 397-446, 2002 | 90 | 2002 |
What determines the part-time and gender earnings gaps in Britain: evidence from the workplace K Mumford, PN Smith Oxford Economic Papers 61 (suppl_1), i56-i75, 2008 | 87 | 2008 |
The hiring function reconsidered: on closing the circle K Mumford, PN Smith Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 61 (3), 343-364, 1999 | 71 | 1999 |
The trend is our friend: Risk parity, momentum and trend following in global asset allocation A Clare, J Seaton, PN Smith, S Thomas Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 9, 63-80, 2016 | 69 | 2016 |
The public–private sector gender wage differential in Britain: Evidence from matched employee-workplace data M Chatterji, K Mumford, PN Smith Applied Economics 43 (26), 3819-3833, 2011 | 67 | 2011 |
Long-term unemployment and the shifting U–V curve: A multi-country study A Budd, P Levine, P Smith European Economic Review 31 (1-2), 296-305, 1987 | 65 | 1987 |
An empirical investigation into the causes of failure of the monetary model of the exchange rate PN Smith, MR Wickens Journal of Applied Econometrics 1 (2), 143-162, 1986 | 50 | 1986 |
The gender earnings gap in Britain: including the workplace K Mumford, PN Smith The Manchester School 75 (6), 653-672, 2007 | 48 | 2007 |
Comparing global economic models PR Mitchell, JE Sault, PN Smith, KF Wallis Economic Modelling 15 (1), 1-48, 1998 | 47 | 1998 |
Breaking into the blackbox: Trend following, stop losses and the frequency of trading–The case of the S&P500 A Clare, J Seaton, PN Smith, S Thomas Journal of Asset Management 14, 182-194, 2013 | 45 | 2013 |
Trend following, risk parity and momentum in commodity futures A Clare, J Seaton, PN Smith, S Thomas International Review of Financial Analysis 31, 1-12, 2014 | 41 | 2014 |
UK stock returns and robust tests of mean variance efficiency AD Clare, PN Smith, SH Thomas Journal of Banking & Finance 21 (5), 641-660, 1997 | 41 | 1997 |
ECONOMETRIC EVALUATION OF CONSUMERS'EXPENDITURE EQUATIONS KB Church, PN Smith, KF Wallis Oxford Review of Economic Policy 10 (2), 71-85, 1994 | 40 | 1994 |
Interrelated factor demands for manufacturing: A dynamic translog cost function approach S Holly, P Smith European Economic Review 33 (1), 111-126, 1989 | 39 | 1989 |
Comparative properties of models of the UK economy KB Church, PR Mitchell, PN Smith, KF Wallis National Institute Economic Review 145, 87-107, 1993 | 35 | 1993 |
IPO pricing and the relative importance of investor sentiment-Evidence from Germany A Oehler, M Rummer, PN Smith Available at SSRN 592302, 2005 | 32 | 2005 |
Reducing sequence risk using trend following and the CAPE ratio A Clare, J Seaton, PN Smith, S Thomas Financial Analysts Journal 73 (4), 91-103, 2017 | 31 | 2017 |
Predicting the long-term unemployed: a primer for the Commonwealth Employment Service BJ Chapman, PN Smith CEPR Discussion Papers, 1993 | 31 | 1993 |