Women workers in the Sri Lanka plantation sector: an historical and contemporary analysis. R Kurian | 86 | 1982 |
Class, patriarchy and ethnicity on Sri Lankan plantations: Two centuries of power and protest K Jayawardena, R Kurian Orient BlackSwan Private Limited, 2015 | 56 | 2015 |
Are the DAC targets achievable? Poverty and human development in the year 2015 L Hanmer, N De Jong, R Kurian, J Mooij Journal of International Development: The Journal of the Development Studies …, 1999 | 49 | 1999 |
Plantation patriarchy and structural violence: Women workers in Sri Lanka R Kurian, K Jayawardena | 22 | 2013 |
State, capital and labour in the plantation industry in Sri Lanka 1834-1984. R Kurian | 21 | 1989 |
The globalisation of domestic care services R Kurian na, 2006 | 20 | 2006 |
An intersectional approach to water equity in the US AK Gerlak, E Louder, H Ingram Water Alternatives Association, 2022 | 19 | 2022 |
Tamil women on Sri Lankan plantations: Labour control and patriarchy R Kurian Women plantation workers, 67-87, 2020 | 18 | 2020 |
Enacting citizenship and the right to the city: towards inclusion through deepening democracy? H Hintjens, R Kurian Social Inclusion 7 (4), 71-78, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
Persistent Patriarchy: Women Workers on Sri Lankan Plantations R Kurian, K Jayawardena | 14 | 2014 |
Women’s work in changing labour markets: the case of Thailand in the 1980s R Kurian Women, globalization and fragmentation in the developing world, 174-195, 1999 | 14 | 1999 |
Labor, Race, and Gender on the Coffee Plantations in Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 1834-1880 R Kurian The Global Coffee Economy in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, 1500–1989, 173-190, 2003 | 11 | 2003 |
Social development: past trends and future scenarious L Hanmer, N Pouw, M Hoek (No Title), 1997 | 11 | 1997 |
Plantation politics R Kurian, J Bourne, H Waters Race & Class 26 (1), 83-95, 1984 | 11 | 1984 |
Hydro-hegemony, water governance, and water security: palestinians under israeli occupation in the jordan valley, west bank M Rudolph, R Kurian Water Alternatives 15 (1), 73-92, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
Enabling social inclusion and urban citizenship of older adults through eHealth: The iZi Project in The Hague R Kurian, N Menke, S Santokhi, E Tak Social inclusion 7 (4), 108-118, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Models of elderly care in Japan and The Netherlands: Social quality perspectives R Kurian, C Uchiyama The International Journal of Social Quality 2 (1), 74-88, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
Fairtrade-certified tea in the hired labour sector in India and Sri Lanka: Impact study and baseline data collection KA Siegmann, S Ananthakrishnan, K Fernando, KJ Joseph, R Kurian, ... | 6 | 2020 |
Testing Fairtrade’s Labour Rights Commitments in South Asian Tea Plantations: A Good Match between Civic and Industrial Conventions? 1 KA Siegmann, A Sajitha, K Fernando, K J. Joseph, K Romeshun, R Kurian, ... Revue internationale des études du développement, 63-94, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Women workers in plantation production R Kurian Social Scientists' Association, 2000 | 6 | 2000 |