Jennifer Kim Lian Chan
Ecotourists' perception of ecotourism experience in lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia
JKL Chan, T Baum
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 15 (5), 574-590, 2007
Motivation factors of ecotourists in ecolodge accommodation: The push and pull factors
J Kim Lian Chan, T Baum
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 12 (4), 349-364, 2007
The consumption of museum service experiences: Benefits and value of museum experiences
JKL Chan
Marketing of Tourism Experiences, 75-98, 2013
Local community participation and responsible tourism practices in ecotourism destination: A case of lower Kinabatangan, Sabah
JKL Chan, KM Marzuki, TM Mohtar
Sustainability 13 (23), 13302, 2021
Volunteer tourism
AM Benson
Routledge, 2010
Health and spa tourism business: Tourists’ profiles and motivational factors
I Azman, KLJ Chan
Health, Wellness and Tourism: healthy tourists, healthy business 9 (24), 1-17, 2010
Tour operator perspectives on responsible tourism indicators of Kinabalu National Park, Sabah
TK Xin, JKL Chan
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 144, 25-34, 2014
LCAT synthesized by primary astrocytes esterifies cholesterol on glia-derived lipoproteins
V Hirsch-Reinshagen, J Donkin, S Stukas, J Chan, A Wilkinson, J Fan, ...
Journal of lipid research 50 (5), 885-893, 2009
Start-up factors for small and medium-sized accommodation businesses in Sabah, Malaysia: Push and pull factors
JKL Chan, WB Quah
Asia pacific journal of tourism research 17 (1), 49-62, 2012
Determination of satisfiers and dissatisfiers using herzberg's motivator and hygiene factor theory: An exploratory study
JKL Chan, T Baum
Tourism Culture & Communication 7 (2), 117-131, 2007
Enhancing the employability of and level of soft skills within tourism and hospitality graduates in Malaysia: The Issues and challenges.
JKL Chan
Journal of Tourism-Special edition of Journal of Tourism on Tourism …, 2011
Conceptualizing environmental literacy and factors affecting pro-environmental behaviour
CA Wong, SHM Afandi, S Ramachandran, P Kunasekaran, JKL Chan
International Journal of Business and Society 19 (S1), 128-139, 2018
Malaysian low cost airlines: Key influencing factors on customers' repeat purchase intention
E Yeoh, JKL Chan
World Applied Sciences Journal 12 (35), 35-43, 2011
Building sustainable tourism destination and developing responsible tourism: conceptual framework, key issues and challenges
JK Chan
Tourism Development Journal-An International Research Journal 8 (1), 24-32, 2010
Authenticity representation of Malay Kelantan ethnic cuisine
T Mohammad, JKL Chan
The 2nd International Research Symposium in Service Management, Yogyakarta …, 2011
Comprehending the responsible tourism practices through principles of sustainability: A case of Kinabalu Park
KX Tay, JKL Chan, CA Vogt, B Mohamed
Tourism Management Perspectives 18, 34-41, 2016
Importance-performance analysis to inform visitor management at marine wildlife tourism destinations
GD Simpson, J Patroni, ACK Teo, JKL Chan, D Newsome
Journal of Tourism Futures 6 (2), 165-180, 2020
The Experiential Dimensions of Museum Experiences: The Visitors' Perspectives.
JKL Chan, E Yeoh
International Journal of Business & Accountancy 1 (1), 2010
An ABCA1-independent pathway for recycling a poorly lipidated 8.1 nm apolipoprotein E particle from glia
J Fan, S Stukas, C Wong, J Chan, S May, N DeValle, ...
Journal of Lipid Research 52 (9), 1605-1616, 2011
Domestic tourism as a pathway to revive the tourism industry and business post the COVID-19 pandemic
J Chan
Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) Working Papers, 2021
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